Homeopathic management for Atopic Eczema

Eczema (atopic eczema) is a chronic inflammatory and non-contagious condition of the skin where the skin is dry and itchy. It is mainly caused due to increased immune response to certain allergens or food allergens. Homeopathic medicines are quite useful to treat atopic eczema and here is a list of a few of them.


Eczema is presented with intolerable itching, and chilliness with pruritus which gets worse in bed. Thick scabs are formed. Eruptions tend to ulcerate, and scabs are formed which are thick and from which purulent matter exudates.

Natrum muriaticum

Eczema, which it is worse at the seaside, mostly appears in the joint, genitals, and around the mouth. The dry eruptions appear mostly on the margin of the hairy scalp. These eruptions are raw, red, and inflamed and worse after eating salt and the skin is usually greasy.


It is one of the top remedies for atopic dermatitis with dryness and scaly skin and severe itching. Whenever atopic dermatitis relapses in spring or damp weather, Sulphur is the remedy. There is a sense of burning along with itching.


Graphite is another well-suited remedy for atopic dermatitis where it appears in the skin folds. Sometimes there is rawness along with itching or there may be eruptions along with discharges. Discharges are sticky and folds include -elbow bend, knee, behind the ear, groin, and neck.


Petroleum is well suited where the itching complaints are worse in winter. The skin gets lichenified, and dry and cracks bleed. Marked burning and itching also accompany the complaints.

For more information, you can visit Healthline and Mayoclinic.

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