Allergic Rhinitis:- 30 Year Old Problem of Allergic Rhinitis Cured

Yes, you read it right, 30 year old problem of allergic rhinitis cured. Read the full post to learn how our homeopathy completely cured the 30 year old problem. If you or your loved ones are suffering from frequent cough, colds and easily catch these from others or during the change of season, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 62 years old patient from Ludhiana (identification no.11132) consulted us on 8th September 2017 for her Allergic Rhinitis, from which she is suffering from last 30 years. She tried all the medicines i.e Allopathic & Ayurvedic treatment and she was done with all the natural or household remedies but had no long lasting relief. Every time she got temporary relief.

Someone of their family friend gave a reference of our homeopathic clinic and they decided to visit our clinic for her complaints.

Patient told us that she had a Allergic Rhinitis since 30 years, whenever she come under contact of any strong smell, her complaints of sneezing with coryza used to start. She used to have thick or greenish discharge from nose that made her annoyed all the time.

Travelling become near to impossible for her as in her complaints triggered every time she came in contact with any dust or smoke which made her sneezing unbearable. She had to put handkerchief over her nose all the time. Profuse sweating was another complaint along with sneezing.

She complained of occasional Headaches. Eyes used to become so heavy or sleepy along with redness. She had excruciating pain in her left eye that radiated to left ear.

Our doctors took all her symptoms into consideration and medicines were prescribed accordingly.

She visited us again after 2 months with the reported an improvement in her headaches during sneezing and she mentioned that sneezing had become tolerable relatively.

Her treatment continued briefly for one year after which she got completely recovered from Allergic Rhinitis. She has no episode of headache or sneezing for last 5 months.

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