What Diphtheria is?
Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a bacterium that causes an acute infectious disease called diphtheria.
It is characterized by sore throat, fever, swollen glands and weakness. At the back of the throat, a thick grey material is formed and blocks windpipe resulting in difficulty in breathing.
Diphtheria was once referred to as the “strangling angel of children” as it was a leading cause of death of children. With the development of the diphtheria vaccine, its incidence has decreased significantly.
Which age group is more affected due to Diphtheria?
• Diphtheria is a disease of childhood and it usually affects children below the age of 12 years.
• Infants are more commonly affected by 6-12 months.
• Men and women both sexes are affected equally.
What is the cause of diphtheria?
The diphtheria is caused by a bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheria.
What are the risk factors of Diphtheria?
• Crowded environments, poor hygiene, and lack of immunization.
• Diphtheria Signs and Symptoms.
• A sore throat and hoarseness.
• Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
• Painful swallowing.
• A thick, grey membrane on the throat and tonsils.
• Nasal discharge.
• Difficulty in breathing.
• Fever and chills.
• Malaise
How diphtheria is spread?
• Droplets of an infected person.
• Contaminated personal and household items.
How to Investigate diphtheria?
Physical examination and direct observation of the mouth help in diagnosis.
A pseudo-membrane in the throat enlarged lymph glands, and swelling of the neck or larynx are observed.
Tests used may include:
• A throat culture or gram stain to identify Corynebacterium diphtheria
• Electrocardiogram
How to treat Diphtheria?
• Diphtheria antitoxin: it neutralizes diphtheria toxin and helps in the progression of the disease.
• Antibiotics such as penicillin and erythromycin help in eradicating bacteria.
• Correction of airway blockage is done.
What are the Diet and management of diphtheria?
• Bed rest
• Fluid by IV
• Heart monitoring
• Food should be in liquid form.
• Milk
• Chicken broth
• Beef tea
• Egg albumin
• Soft cream toast
• Well cooked rice.
What are the complications of diphtheria?
• Breathing problems. A bacterium that is present in the nose and throat produces a toxin that results in the formation of a tough, grey-coloured membrane. This membrane can obstruct breathing.
• Heart damage.
• Nerve damage
Differential diagnosis of diphtheria
• Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
• Impetigo
What are the indicated homoeopathic medicines for diphtheria?
Some of the homeopathic medicines are:
Apis Mel