Yellow Fever

What is Yellow Fever? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

yellow fever

What is yellow fever?

Yellow fever is a viral infection.

This infection transmitted by female mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti species).

It is a haemorrhagic disease and belongs to a group of haemorrhagic fevers.

It is a life-threatening disease.

What is the incubation period for yellow fever?

• The incubation period is between 3-6 days.

• The mosquito Aedes aegypti breeds in standing water.

• They transmit the virus in three ways:

– Between monkeys.

– Monkeys to humans.

– Person to person.

Are there any stages of yellow fever?

Yes, there are 3 stages of yellow fever. These are:

The first phase, it is also known as (Infection phase ) 

In this patient has symptoms of:

-a headache,

-joints and muscle pains,


-loss of appetite,



The second phase also known as (remission phase ) 

-In this majority of symptoms fades away with patient proceeding towards recovery.

The third phase is also known as (Intoxication phase)

In this stage, some of the organs get affected such as:


-liver (due to jaundice),

-kidney failure.

-Apart from this coma, seizures and delirium can also happen in severe cases.

Is yellow fever vaccine necessary?

• Yes, the yellow fever vaccine necessary.

• A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travelers arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission.

Is yellow fever deadly?

• Yellow fever is a serious deadly flu-like disease spread by mosquitoes.

• It results in high fever and jaundice.

• In some sever cases it will lead to death.

Who are at risk of yellow fever?

The tropical regions of Africa and South America are at higher risk of contracting yellow fever.

Which group are more affected due to yellow fever?

• Yellow fever affects all age group.

• Both the females and males are affected equally.

What causes yellow fever?

• It is a viral infection causative but virus which belongs to a Flavivirus genus.

• In yellow fever tissue damage to liver leads to jaundice.

What is the sign and symptoms of yellow fever?

• Jaundice.

• Abdominal pain.

• Easy bruising of the skin.

• Bleeding from nose, eyes or stomach.

• Seizures.

• Confusion.

• Coma.

• Death.

How we investigate yellow fever?

• The virus is detected in the blood samples.

• Virus culture of biopsy and autopsy tissues is positive.

How to treat yellow fever?

• Dialysis for kidney failure.

• IV fluids.

• Blood transfusion for severs bleeding.

• Medicines to increase blood pressure.

• Oxygen administration.

What are the complications?

• Death

• Coma

• Liver failure

• Kidney failure

• Shock

Can homeopathic medicines help in yellow fever?

Homeopathy can help symptomatically. Some of the homeopathic medicines which can help in this condition. These are:

• Arsenic

• Lachesis

• Crotalus

• Carbo Veg

For more information, you can visit MedicalNewsToday and NHP.

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