What is iron deficiency anemia?
Iron deficiency anemia is the commonest type of anemia which occurs when your body has insufficient iron. Iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin. If there is a deficiency of iron in the body it results in less hemoglobin and hence less oxygen in tissues.
What Causes Iron Deficiency Anemia?
The main causes of iron deficiency are:
• Blood loss
• Bleeding in your GI tract
• Heavy menstruation
• Injury or surgery
• Urinary tract bleeding
• Inadequate daily iron intake
• Poor absorption of iron by the body: Certain conditions can lead to a decrease in your body’s ability to absorb iron. These conditions include:
• Intestinal and digestive conditions, such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, and H-pylori infection.
• Gastrointestinal surgery, such as gastric bypass, or gastrectomy.
• Pregnancy: without adequate iron supplementation.
What are the risk factors for Iron Deficiency Anemia?
• Women
• Infants and children. low birth weight or premature babies may be at risk of iron deficiency. Children need extra iron during growth spurts. If your child isn’t having a healthy diet, he or she may be at risk.
• Being a Vegetarian
• Frequent blood donors
What are Signs and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Common signs of iron-deficiency anemia include:
• Brittle nails or spooning of the nails
• Cracks at the sides of the mouth
• Pale skin
• Swelling or soreness of the tongue
Common symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia include:
• Chest pain
• Coldness in the hands and feet
• Difficulty concentrating
• Dizziness
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Irregular heartbeat.
• Pica
• Restless legs syndrome
• Shortness of breath
• Weakness
What area the Investigations for Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Blood tests:
• Complete blood count (CBC)
• Hematocrit
• Hemoglobin
• Serum iron
• Ferritin
• Transferrin and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)
• Reticulocyte count
Other tests to rule out other conditions:
• Endoscopy.
• Colonoscopy.
• Ultrasound
• The fecal occult blood test
What are the Lifestyle Changes to Improve Iron Deficiency Anemia?
• Avoid drugs and alcohol.
• Nutritional therapy
• Increase your daily intake of iron-rich foods
• Increase your intake of vitamin C to help your body absorb iron.
• Avoid processed and refined food.
• Avoid drinking tea and coffee during meals
What if Iron Deficiency Anemia left untreated?
• Depression
• Heart problems: irregular heartbeats, a heart murmur, enlarged heart, or heart failure.
• Coronary or pulmonary insufficiency.
• Increased risk of infections
• Motor or cognitive development delays in children
• Pregnancy complications, such as preterm delivery or low birth weight baby
What is the Homeopathic Treatment for Iron Deficiency Anemia?
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