Eczema ( Dermatitis )

Eczema is a skin disease which results from scales, dryness of the skin and itchy rashes. Eczema can be acute or chronic. This condition weakens your skin's barrier function, which is responsible for helping your skin retain moisture and protecting your body from outside elements.


What is Eczema?

• Eczema is a skin disease which results from scales, dryness of the skin and itchy rashes.

• Eczema can be acute or chronic.

What are the causes of Eczema?

• Dry skin

• Stress

• Long hot baths or showers

• Staphylococcal bacteria

• Wool or man-made fabrics or clothing

• Low humidity

• Solvents, cleaners, soaps or detergents

• Dust and /or pollens

• Tobacco, smoking

• Excessive heat

• Sweating

• Jewelry or artificial ornaments.

• Environmental factors like pollution, irritants etc.

What are the signs and symptoms of Eczema?

• Skin broken in places.

• Skin cracked in some areas.

• skin dry

• Itchy and scratching of the skin.

• Itching worse at night and after overheating.

• Redness and inflammation of the skin.

• Blisters oozing from it

• Red to brownish grey coloured patches.

• Affected area may feel like raised bumps.

• Affected area feels hot.

• Skin appears scaly and dry.

What are the types of Eczema?

Atopic dermatitis:

• It is a chronic skin disease characterized by itchy, inflamed skin and is the most common cause of eczema.

• This type of eczema may be environmental, food, perfumes or other allergies.

Contact eczema:

• It is a localized reaction of the skin that includes redness, itching and burning.

• The skin eruptions appear after it come in contact with allergens such as acids, cleansing agents or chemicals, detergents perfumes etc.

Seborrheic eczema:

• It is also known as dandruff.

• This type of eczema is caused by due to irritation from a toxic substance produced by Malassezia yeasts that live on the scalp, face and sometimes elsewhere.

• In this the scalp, eyebrows, side of the nose, the area behind the ears, groin and centre of chest are affected.

• It causes skin to fall off in flakes.

Nummular eczema:

• Eruption characterized by coin-shaped patches of irritated skin.

• Skin filled with itchy little blisters and scales.


• It is also known as lichen simplex chronicus.

• It is a chronic skin inflammatory condition caused by a scratch itch cycle that begins with localized itching such as insect bite etc. that becomes intensely irritable when scratched.

• It affects women more than men.

• Mainly the 20-50 years of age of persons are more affected due to this.

Dyshidrotic eczema (Dyshidrotic Dermatitis):

• In this type of eczema the palms and feet (soles) are characterized by clear, deep blisters with itching and burning.

• Eczema may become chronic and painful.

Gravitational dermatitis:

• It arises on the lower legs of the elderly, due to swelling and poorly functioning of leg veins.

How to investigate Eczema?

• History of the patient.

• Family history.

• Physical examination of the patient.

• Blood test.

• Allergy test

How to treat Eczema?

• Antihistamines.

• Oral or topical antibiotics.

• Moisturizers.

• Cortisone or steroid creams or ointments.

• Dietary changes after professional advice in cases of food allergies.

• Ultraviolet radiation therapy (phototherapy).

Is eczema a fatal disease?

• The eczema is not a fatal disease. If treated well on time.

• But in some cases, if it is left untreated can lead to secondary bacterial infection which can be treated with antibiotics.

What are the complications of eczema?

• Streptococcus or staphylococcus bacterial infection.(Eczema herpeticum)

• Neurodermatitis (lichen simplex chronicus)

What are the management of eczema?

• Yoga and meditation act as stress management techniques.

• Keep a good hygiene level.

• Maintain cool temperature inside the sleeping area.

• Cold compressions can control itching.

• Use minimum jewellery or artificial ornaments.

• Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity.

• Avoid rough, scratchy, tight clothing and woollens.

• Wash clothes with mild detergents.

• Keep the body hydrated, drink lots of water.

• Avoid sweating or overheating.

• Avoid harsh soaps, detergents and solvents.

What are the indicated homoeopathic medicines for eczema?

• Arsenicum album

• Graphites

• Natrium muriaticum

• Petroleum

• Psorinum

• Rhus toxicodendron

• Sulphur


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