Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation is a bowel dysfunction causing difficulty and pain while passing stool. Can be due to haemarrhoids, anal fissure, most common cause being lack of fiber in the diet. Constipation generally means passing fewer than three stools a week, it is considered chronic if it lasts for more than three months. Homeopathic medicines helps in managing the symptoms of chronic constipation.

chronic Constipation

What is Chronic Constipation?

The chronic constipation is defined as the decrease in frequency of bowel movements, difficulty in passing stool, incomplete emptying after a bowel movement or hard stool, all these are considered to be constipation in a patient.

If the patient has less than three bowel movements in a week, it is considered as severe constipation or chronic constipation.

Which age group is more affected due to Chronic Constipation?

It is more prevalent in people who consume junk food.

It can occur at any age.

Both the sexes are affected equally.

What are the causes of constipation?

• Lack of fiber intake in diet.

• Not chewing the food properly.

• Reduced water intake.

• Various medications:

– Excess use of iron supplements.

– Intake of Diuretics.

– Cigarette smoking withdrawal.

– Abuse of laxatives.

• Severe illness like stroke, paralysis.

• Pregnancy.

• Traveling.

• Psychosomatic causes like depression and anxiety neurosis.

• Lead poisoning.

• Intestinal obstruction.

• Connective tissue disorders like lupus and scleroderma.

• Abdominal surgeries.

• Pelvic floor dysfunction.

• Irritable bowel syndrome where it alternates with diarrhea.

What are the sign and symptoms of Constipation?

• Hard stool.

• Infrequent stools, less than three times a week.

• The sensation of incomplete emptying of bowels.

• Bloating of the abdomen.

• Straining and difficulty having a bowel movement.

• Cramping pain and distension in the abdomen.

• If the cause is an intestinal obstruction, then nausea, vomiting may occur along with constipation.

• in some cases, coated the tongue, bad breath (halitosis), and bad taste in the mouth.

How to diagnose the constipation?

Diagnosis can be made by a proper clinical history and physical examination.

The presence of characteristic symptoms i.e. hard stools, difficulty in voiding them and feeling of incomplete voiding of stools usually indicate the presence of constipation.

Other tests that your doctor may advice are:

• Examination of stool under a microscope.

• Complete blood count.

• Ano-rectal function tests to find out abnormal functioning of the anus or rectum.

• Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.

• Barium enema.

Is constipation treatable?

Constipation has good prognosis. It can be cured easily by taking plenty of fluid and fiber in the diet.

Sometimes laxatives can be used.

What are the complications of constipation?

• Hemorrhoids.

• Hernia.

• Bowel obstruction.

How diet plays a role in preventing constipation?

• High intake of fiber in the diet.

• Salad prior to dinner.

• Dairy products.

• Drink plenty of water.

• Eat fruits.

What are the indicated homeopathic medicines of Constipation?

• Aesculus hippocastanum

• Alumina

• Bryonia alba

• Nux vomica


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