Worried about your bad mouth odor/bad breath

Bad mouth odor, or bad breath medically known as Halitosis. Bad breath is not just a symptom but it is also one of the sign of unhealthy/diseased body.

Have you ever been told that you have bad breath? If yes, pay attention to it.

Bad breath may be chronic or acute. First you should know whether the bad odor is after consuming any strong odor food or it stays for days. If it stays for days then it defines your body is not on healthy note.

There are millions of bacteria live inside mouth, especially on back of tongue. Lot of individuals suffer from bad breath due to this cause. Warm, moist conditions in mouth help these bacterias to grow.

Bad breath is a common trouble which can affect individual of any age group.

Bad Mouth Odor

There are some physiological conditions where bad breath is considered normal. For example morning mouth odor. Morning mouth odor is slightly offensive due to the changes taking place in mouth when you are sleeping. At night the saliva of mouth dry up due to which cells stick to your cheeks, tongue of mouth, then bacteria use these cells as food and causing bad mouth odor.

What causes bad breath ?

There are many more other conditions leading to bad breath are as follows
Infections of throat, sinuses, lungs can also produce bad breath.
• Infections of different parts of mouth, such as gum diseases or cavity in tooth.
Medications side effects can affect salivary glands.
• Diseases like diabetes, liver troubles, lung disease, kidney disease, sinus diseases like fungal sinusitis , reflux oesophagitis also make odor of breath bad.
Poor dental hygiene is the major cause of bad breath; Individuals who are not particular about cleaning their mouth regularly are more prone to suffer from bad breath.

Improper brushing and improper flossing will allow small pieces of food to stick in between the teeth and hence enhances bacterial growth in mouth.

How to prevent bad breath?

If you are embarrassed by your bad mouth odor and want to prevent it, here are few tips for you:

Most important factor to prevent bad breath is good dental hygiene.
Brush your teeth , tongue and gums daily two times a day and even after meals.
Rinse your mouth with mouthwash.
• Visit your dentist regularly at least twice a year.
• Go for tooth cleaning if condition of teeth become very poor.
Drink plenty of water daily.
• Add more of fruits in your daily diet.
• Avoid eating strong odor foods like raw onion.

Treatment of bad breath:

Treatment of bad breath depends upon the cause behind it.

Homeopathy works wonderfully in treating cases of bad breath and offensive mouth odor. There are number of homeopathic remedies which are very effective in treating bad breath.

You can start your treatment here today.


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