Why do we need Phosphorus?

Phosphorus is the second most-abundant mineral found in the human body, next only to calcium. Together, both these nutrients are responsible for building as well as maintaining strong bones and teeth.

Benefits of Phosphorus:

Deficiency of phosphorus in the body can lead to conditions like bone problems, skin sensitivity, irregular breathing, numbness, tremors, restricted growth, tooth decay, rickets, fatigue, anxiety and stress.

Health Benefits of Phosphorus:

• Phosphorus aids in the development of bones and teeth.
• It helps in assisting kidney processes. The mineral helps filter out waste in the kidneys.
• It helps to maintain an electrolyte and fluid balance for the body.
• It even helps in such obscure tasks as DNA replication.
• This mineral facilitates the proper digestion of niacin and riboflavin.
• It helps in the efficient transmission of nerves impulses.
• Phosphorous stimulates the production hormone in the body
• Phosphorous is needed for the growth, maintenance and repair of all tissues and cells in the body.
• Maintaining proper level of phosphorous is required for better brain functioning. It is also known to keep the mind alert and active.

Phosphorus rich food sources:

• Whole wheat and bran


• Cashew nuts, Almonds, Brazil nuts

• Cottage cheese

• Milk

• Yogurt

• Corn

• Garlic

• Peanut butter

• Potatoes


• Sunflower seeds

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