What your Periods are Trying to Tell you?

It’s important to pay attention to your periods as they are the indicator of what’s going on inside your body. Your menstrual cycle can be the insight into your health and wellness. Here are some menstrual conditions and what they are trying to tell about your health.

What your Periods are Trying to Tell you?

1) If your flow is too heavy:

Your might be bleeding on heavier side if your flow lasts longer than seven days and you have to change sanitary napkin or tampon every two hours or so. This can be the indicator of a reproductive or hormonal problem, infection such as pelvic inflammatory disease or blood disorders. Certain medications or birth control pills and IUDs can also be responsible for it.

2) If there is spotting between periods:

Some women might have a lit bit of spotting in between there periods. Uterine growths (fibroid, polyp or endometriosis), birth control pills, hormonal imbalance or sexually transmitted disease can be responsible for this.

3) If there is clotting during periods:

Blood clots are the thick blobs of blood which can appear during periods. Generally, you need not worry about them but if you have large clots with heavy periods you could probably have hypothyroidism, menorrhagia, anemia or uterine fibroids.

4) If your cycle is irregular:

Stress is one of the major causes that lead to an irregular cycle. Another concerning cause is PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which is a hormonal disorder causing irregular menstruation, increased facial hair and acne and, weight gain. Birth control pills and IUDs can also be causative factors.

5) If you have bad cramps:

Almost every woman experiences lower abdomen, thigh or back pain during periods. While some have mild pain others have severe pain. If you have unbearable pain during periods this could be indicative of infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

6) If you feel dizzy during periods:

Heavy periods can lead to iron-deficiency anemia because of the blood loss as a result of which you may feel weak and exhausted.

7) If you have bleeding after menopause:

Women are more prone to uterine polyp after menopause which can cause heavy bleeding post-menopause. Uterine polyp might become cancerous also.

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