What women should know about PCOD

What is PCOD?

Polycystic ovaries mean growth of many small cysts in the ovaries. Polycystic ovarian disease is the most common disorder due to hormonal imbalance among women of reproductive age. A male hormone called Androgen increases that result in excessive growth of facial hair, acne and thinning of hair.

PCOD may have a genetic factor. It tends to run in families. If a woman in your family has PCOD or diabetes then your chances of having the disease are high.

How does PCOD affect menstrual cycle?

In normal menstrual cycle mature egg is released from one of the ovaries. This egg travels down from fallopian tube to uterus. If this egg doesn’t get fertilized by sperm, the endometrium is shed and passes out through vagina.

In PCOD hormones that are necessary for the development, maturation and release of healthy egg are not produced. If ovulation does not occur then endometrium does not uniformly shed instead it becomes thick and shed irregularly that causes heavy or prolonged bleeding.

Some women with PCOD may have normal menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of PCOD:

• Irregular or missed menstrual periods.
• Weight gain.
• Growth of unwanted body or facial hair.
Acne, oily skin.
• Thinning of scalp hair.
• Diabetes.
• High cholesterol.
• Infertility or miscarriage.

Role of homeopathy in case of PCOD:

Homeopathy is safe option for PCOD patients. Homeopathy helps in improving and regularizing the menstrual cycle, minimizing and preventing formation of cyst and corrects the hormonal imbalance.

Homeopathy medicines act at root level of the disease bring deviation of hormonal system back to normalcy.

Few homeopathic remedies that are used in case of PCOD are: Apis, Thuja, Merc sol, Arsenic alb, Lilium tig, Conium mac, Lachesis, Sepia, Colocynth, Ovairinum, etc.

Lifestyle you should follow in order to stay fit:

Paying attention to your weight, diet, and physical activity may help you offset the effects of PCOD.

• Control your weight: reducing weight is beneficial for overall health. Weight loss reduces both insulin and androgen levels and may help in restoring ovulation.

• Exercise: regular insulin prevents insulin resistance. Exercise lowers the blood sugar level.

• Diet: eat fiber rich food. High fiber carbohydrates include whole grain breads, whole wheat pasta, cereals, brown rice, beans and barley.


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