What to do if your Kid has a Fever?

Parents often get worried when their child gets a fever. Fever is when your child’s body temperature is higher than normal levels. Even though normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees F, your child has a fever only when his body temperature is 100.4 degrees F or above. It is important to remember fever is a positive sign that the body is in the process of fighting infection. Chills, aches and pains, lack of appetite, dehydration, weakness, etc. are some general symptoms associated with fever. There are several things that you can do to bring the fever down and there are things you shouldn’t do. Read the article till the end to know more.


[su_box title=”What You Should Do” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#7c0c0b” radius=”2″]

1. Sponge Bath or Warm Bath

A warm sponge bath or a warm bath can help in relaxing and soothing your child during fever as it helps in regulating temperature. The evaporation of the water off from the body brings down the body temperature. So, don’t cover your child with a wet towel as it will prevent evaporation.

2. Keep Your Child Hydrated

Fever can lead to dehydration so fluid intake is essential. Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluid like water, juices, coconut water, milk, oral rehydration solutions, etc. to stay hydrated. In the case of breastfed or bottle-fed babies increase the number of feedings.

3. Use a Cold Compress

The most commonly used first aid technique to bring down body temperature is a cold compress on the forehead and nape. Cool packs or cool washcloths under the arms and in the groin region can also reduce fever in toddlers.

4. Choose Light Clothing

Dress your child in light clothing during fever to ease the body heat loss. If your child is shivering use a blanket.

5. Try Fever Reducers

Medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are one of the simplest and most effective fever-reducing medicines. You can use Acetaminophen in children as young as 2 months old and Ibuprofen in children as young as 6 months old. However, you must consult your child’s pediatrician before giving any medicine.

6. Stay Indoors

Keep the child indoors in a cool and shaded place. Make sure your child is in well- ventilated and airy in a room. Keep the fan at a slower speed so that your child does not shiver.

7. Proper diet

Give your child easily digestible food to eat such as soups, light dal, custard, cereals, boiled vegetables, etc. high-calorie, high-protein, high-fluid and low-fat diet is recommended. Avoid spicy and fatty food. Mashed potatoes and strained bananas are perfect for infants.

8. Rest and Sleep

Adequate rest and sleep are essential for your child during fever as it will help the body to direct more energy towards healing the ailment.


[su_box title=”What You Shouldn’t Do” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#7c0c0b” radius=”2″]

1. Alcohol rub

The old school fever-reducing technique of rubbing alcohol on your child to lower body temperature is ineffective and can lead to an increase in body temperature and alcohol poisoning.

2. Cold bath

Do not give your child a cold bath as it will only lower the temperature down temporarily. It will make your child shiver which will increase the core temperature.

3. Overdressing

Do not overdress your child as it will prevent the body from cooling down by evaporation.

4. Combining Medications

Avoid combining cold and flu medicines or giving two different kinds of fever-reducing medicines at once as it can be dangerous and won’t lower down the temperature faster. Always ask your child’s pediatrician before giving any medicine.

5. Aspirin

Aspirin can cause a serious condition called Reye’s syndrome so never give your child aspirin during fever.

6. Public places

Avoid public places as your child is more prone to infections during fever. Do not expose him to direct sunlight during fever.


When should you call the Pediatrician

These home treatments are usually effective to treat your child’s fever. But you should call the doctor if:

• Child under 2 to 3 months old has a temperature at or above 100.4 degrees F
• Child 3 to 6 months old has a temperature at or above 101 degrees F
• Child 6 to 12 months old has a temperature at or above 103 degrees F
• A child over 12 months old has a temperature at or above 103 degrees F and does not improve with home remedies and a fever reducer

Immediate medical attention is necessary if your child:

• Cannot be awakened
• Seems confused
• Is Unable to walk
• Is having severe breathing trouble
• Has blue nails, lips, and tongue
• Has severe headache
• Has a seizure
• Has a purple or red rash.
• Continues to vomit.

For more information, you can visit bkidshealth.org and WebMD.

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