What is veterinary homeopathy

Homeopathy has been found one of the best holistic and safest form of treatment for many people. This has been found true for animals and plants as well. Veterinary homeopathy is a safe, effective and powerful form of medicine which uses the principle discovered and developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Why homeopathy?

Homeopathy is based on the principle of similar—that “like cures like,” means a substances that would cause symptoms, may stimulate the body’s natural healing processes when given in a diluted form or in a potentized form. 

This method stimulates the healing power of the body by strengthening the immune system and proven very effective method when administered correctly.

Chances of recurrence is almost minimum or negligible with homeopathy. There are many diseases that respond very well to homeopathy such as skin allergies, ear infections, asthma, arthritis, IBS, epilepsy and many other conditions.

Homeopathy can be of great help in treating acute diseases like traumatic injuries, infections, and poisonings as well.

Homeopathy has been used extensively in dogs too. Just as humans, the individualistic approach is followed. While taking the history of the dogs from the pet owner about the nature of symptoms, time of occurrence, the frequency of symptoms, possible aggravating and ameliorating factors a kept in mind and noted down carefully.

Homeopathy for animals gives excellent results in animal ailments especially in dogs, cats, and even cattles.

Recently, the practice has been adapted to help animals as well. Now days many people are approaching homeopaths for their pets as homeopathy is an effective, harmless mode of treatment which not only cures acute diseases but also treats chronic ailments.

Some of the main advantages of homeopathy for pets include: