Better digestion is a health marker of a human being as well as in a dog. Good digestion is the most important symbol for a dog’s health status. A constipated dog can face so many health issues along with the behavioral disorder.
This may produce aggression, anxiety, and anger in a dog. In mild cases, one can treat a dog’s constipation at home with few easy methods. In severe cases visit a veterinary physician for advice and treatment.

There are many different reasons that can cause a dog to become constipated. The following are some:
- Dehydration (commonest cause)
- Dietary mistakes (eating something inappropriate)
- Any foreign body obstruction like grass, hairs, rocks, cloth piece, etc.)
- Any kind of malformation or obstruction due to abnormal growth of tissues like a tumor, polyp, etc.
- Gastrointestinal disorder
- prostate enlargement (male dogs)
- Medicinal side effects
- Matted hair covering the anus
- Neurological problem or orthopedic issue
- Sedentary lifestyle
There are some simple steps you can take to prevent constipation in dog’s:–
- Hydration or proper intake of water is key to your dog’s digestive health.
- A high-fiber diet is important; be sure your pet has enough fiber.
- Dogs need regular exercise
- Natural bones can sometimes lead to constipation; if your dog is prone to constipation, therefore consider choosing a nylon chew toy.
Try some home remedies to prevent constipation in pets:
- Olive oil or coconut oil: if one tablespoon is added to the food of your dog, this may help in lubrication of the bowels.
- Fish oil: liquid or capsules
- Some herbal supplement that is recommended by your dog’s vet.
- Fiber supplement (Metamucil, etc.): Addition of the plenty of water with to food.
- Stool softener/laxative (DSS/Colace or Miralax)
- Bran flakes can be added to food with water.