Vaginitis Prevention and Facts | Homeopathic Treatment

To know more about the various types of vaginitis prevention, facts and the types of infections, read this article till the end.

Let us begin with what is vaginitis.

• It is the inflammatory condition of the vagina.
• It normally results from an infection.

vaginitis prevention

Types of Infections:

-Bacterial vaginosis:

• Bacterial vaginosis is caused by overgrowth of the bacteria that occur naturally in the vagina.
• In this type no inflammation but in this case white homogeneous discharge with high vaginal ph.

-Yeast infections:

• Yeast infection also is known as candidiasis.
• This type of vaginal infection is commonly present.
• This type leads to vulval and vaginal inflammation, curdy white discharge adherent to walls of the vagina.
• Low vaginal ph.


• Trichomoniasis is a microscopic parasite known as Trichomonas vaginalis.
• It is spread through sex.
• It is characterised by vulva and vaginal inflammation, frothy yellow and green discharge.

Streptococcal/Staphylococcal infection:

• In this type the purulent vaginal discharge is present.

Vaginitis Facts:

• Hormonal changes, such as those associated with pregnancy, birth control pills or menopause.
• Having a sexually transmitted infection.
• Medications, such as antibiotics and steroids.
• Use of spermicides for birth control.
• Uncontrolled diabetes.
• Use of hygiene products such as bubble bath, vaginal spray or vaginal deodorant.
• Wearing damp or tightfitting clothing.
• Using an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control

Vaginitis Prevention:

• Wear cotton under garments because cotton absorbs moisture and perspiration better; it helps keep yeast infections at bay.
• Maintain good personal hygiene.
• Avoid tight-fitting jeans and pants.
• Keep yourself dry and clean.
• Wipe yourself dry after a bath or shower.
• Relax and reduce stress.
• Avoid multiple partners.

For more information, you can visit MedlinePlus and ACOG.

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