Urinary Incontinence In Females

Urinary incontinence is a common occurrence, it is a condition in which there is mild leakage of urine. Urinary incontinence occurs as a result of loss of bladder control. As a passage of urinary tract is short in females as compared to males so females are more prone to urinary incontinence, moreover pregnancy, childbirth and menopause are also contributing factors in leakage of urine in females.

Other contributing factors in causing urinary incontinence in both males and females are birth defects, neurologic injury, increasing age, multiple sclerosis and stroke. In obese persons abdominal fat puts pressure on urinary bladder and make the muscles weak, hence obesity is also one of the contributing factor in causing urinary incontinence.

Some women experience loss of few drops of urine while coughing or sneezing, while others may experience a strong, sudden urge for urination and some women may experience both the symptoms. Urinary bladder voids urine with less pressure than usual.

Normally, while passing urine, the muscle of the urinary bladder wall contracts and forces the urine out of the bladder into the urethra, while at the same time sphincter muscles that surrounds the urethra relaxes and allows the urine to pass out of the body. But if contraction of muscles occurs suddenly or the sphincter muscles become week it can not hold back the urine.

Various types of Urinary Incontinence:

Stress incontinence:
In stress incontinence there is leakage of urine while coughing, sneezing, and laughing or doing other movements. Stress incontinence results from physical changes due to pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.

A weak before menstrual period symptoms of stress incontinence aggravates. The reason being low estrogen level that causes low muscular pressure around urethra hence resulting in incontinence. Menopause also increases the chances of stress incontinence

Urge incontinence:
When the urine leaks after the sudden urge of urinating then the condition is called urge incontinence. Abnormal nerve signals causes unsuitable bladder contractions that in turn result in urge incontinence.

In urge incontinence the urine passes during sleep, after drinking water, or hearing running water. The condition gets worse during anxiety or taking diuretics, in certain medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism or uncontrolled diabetes.

Overactive bladder:

Overactive bladder is a condition when frequency of urine increases more than eight times a day. A person experiences sudden and strong urgency for urine that follows leakage of urine, this condition is called urge incontinence. Patient has to awake at night frequently to urinate, this condition is called nocturia.

Functional incontinence:
Functional incontinence occurs due to some medical conditions. Person having functional incontinence is having trouble in reaching a washroom.

Overflow incontinence:
Overflow incontinence is a rare condition in women. In overflow incontinence the urinary bladder does not empty completely and spill over. When the urinary bladder muscle becomes weak or there is some blockage in the urethra it results in overflow incontinence.

Mixed incontinence:
If a woman is experiencing symptoms of more than one type of urinary incontinence at the same time, then she is said to be affected with mixed incontinence.

Transient incontinence:
Transient incontinence results due to impacted hard stool, some medications or urinary tract infections.

How homeopathy can help?
Symptoms of urinary incontinence respond well to homeopathic treatment. In order to find appropriate homeopathic medicine for the case underlying cause must be diagnosed. Homeopathy is the safest way to promote natural ability of body to heal.


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