Tubarial Glands: A New Organ in the Human Body

It is hard to imagine that the human body consists of a part that goes unnoticed by medical researchers for centuries but that’s true.

Researchers from the Netherlands Cancer Institute and the University of Amsterdam have discovered a new location, a pair of previously overlooked and clinically relevant nasopharyngeal salivary glands hidden away in skulls where the throat and nasal cavity meet.

tubarial glands

What exactly have the researchers found?

Researchers while studying the scan of about 100 people for prostate cancer cells using an advanced and new type of scan called PSMA PET/CT— a combination of CT scans and positron emission tomography (PET) found a bilateral structure at the back of the nasopharynx having characteristics of salivary glands.

Researchers proposed the name “tubarial glands” for their discovery based on the anatomical location. The researchers believe that these glands would qualify as the fourth pair of major salivary glands but it is not clear yet if these glands will be classified as minor glands, as a major gland, a separate organ, or a new part of an organ system.

The new set of glands are approximately 3.8 centimeters in length, located in the nasopharyngeal region over a piece of cartilage called the torus tubarius below the nose and above the throat.

Why are these glands being discovered only now?

• Glands are located at a poorly accessible anatomical location under the base of the skull, which can only be visualized using nasal endoscopy.

• Imaging techniques such as a CT scan, MRI, and ultrasound have not allowed the visualization of these glands.

• A new type of scan called the PSMA PET/CT scan was used for the scans done on the 100 patients which provided the high sensitivity and specificity required to detect these glands.

What is the purpose of these glands?

Researchers assume that the physiological function of the glands is moistening and lubrication of the upper parts of the throat (nasopharynx and the oropharynx) but additional research is required.

What is the significance of this finding?

Researchers believe that this discovery can help to reduce the side effects of radiation therapy on patients with head and neck cancers. Doctors using radiotherapy for treating cancers in the head and neck try to avoid the main salivary glands from radiation as Radiotherapy can damage salivary glands, which can lead to complications such as trouble speaking, swallowing, and speaking.

Now, with this discovery, radiation oncologists will be able to protect this area from radiation which will result in fewer side effects of radiation.

The next Challenge for researchers now is to find out how to avoid delivering radiation to these newly discovered glands so that patients experience fewer side effects and lead a better life.

For more information, you can visit LiveScience and SCI-News.

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