To Stay Happy Is Our Own Choice

Happiness is a feeling of inner peace and gratification. It is usually experienced, when there are no worries, fears or obsessing thoughts. This usually happens, when we do something we love to do, or when we get, win, gain, or achieve something that we value.

For most people, happiness seems fleeting and temporary, because they allow external circumstances to affect it.


Here are some tips to remain Happy in every circumstance of life:

• Look at the good and positive side of every situation.

•Think about solutions, not about problems.

•Listen to relaxing, uplifting music.

•Watch funny comedies that make you laugh.

• Each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article.

•Look at what you have done, not at what you have not been able to do. Often, even if you have accomplished a lot during the day, you let yourself feel frustrated, because of some minor tasks you didn’t accomplish.

•Each day does something good for yourself. It can be something small, such buying a book, eating something you love, watching your favourite program on TV, going to a movie, or just having a stroll on the beach.

• Each day do at least one act to make others happy.
When you make someone happy, you become happy, and then people try to make you happy.

•Always expect happiness.

• Associate with happy people, and try to learn from them to be happy. Remember, happiness is contagious.

•Do your best to stay detached, when things do not proceed as intended and desired. Detachment will help you stay calm and control your moods and reactions.

• Smile more often.

There are many inspirational stories of people, suffering from incurable diseases still encourage us to lead life happily. Sam Berns was one of them who was an American teen, suffered from a very rare disease called, Progeria. He died at the age of 17 years with this disease.

“Sam recognized that he alone had the talent, the maturity, and the mission to not only promote awareness of progeria but to show how a person can live his life with any disease.”

Progeria is a rare genetic condition that causes a child’s body to age fast. Progeria patients generally die between the ages of 8 and 21 – with the average age being only 13.
Children with progeria usually die of heart attacks or strokes.


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