Tips to get relief from anxiety

Everyone gets nervous or anxious from time to time—when speaking in public, for instance, or when going through financial difficulty. For some people, however, anxiety becomes so frequent, or so forceful, that it begins to take over their lives. In this article find all the tips to get relief from anxiety.

How to manage anxiety?

1) Do breathing exercises – Severe anxiety symptoms are often linked to poor breathing habits. Breathe slowly and gently through the nose for about 5to 7 seconds .Hold about three or four seconds. Breathe out slowly and gently for about 7 to 9 seconds .Repeat the exercise.

2) Talk to someone – Effective anxiety reduction is about the distraction .A very effective technique is to talk to someone who is trustworthy.Talking to nice person keeps your mind off and the support of the friends and family added the boost of confidence.

3) Do some aerobic activities – During anxiety the level of adrenaline is high. Exercise has numerous advantages for controlling anxiety symptoms. Exercise burn away stress hormones. It tires your muscles and reduces the excess energy and tension. It releases endorphins which improve overall mood. It forces healthier breathing. Aerobic activity like jogging, walking can be extremely effective in reducing the severity of anxiety symptoms.

4) Listen to good music – Listening to music have a powerful effect on anxiety. The key is to make you that you are listening to music that represent the way you want to feel .Music affects emotions. When you are trying to stop anxiety now you should listen to music that will help you feel the way you want to feel.

5) Try to live in today – When you have anxiety you start to focus too much on future. Each day trying to live with anxiety instead of trying to live in general. Learning to embrace the idea that you have anxiety and trying to live a great and exciting life is important.

6) Find what things relax you – There are things in your life that relax you .Don’t avoid them and try to fight it out. Find out which thing gives you relaxment and give calm to your anxiety.

7) Minimize the interactions with people who stress you out – If someone in your life is stressing you out then you are better off that person Try to spend less time with stress inducing co-workers. Spend less time with negative people.

8) Join yoga classes – Take a yoga classes .Yoga is not only good for physically but it will help you to mediate and control your mind and breathing.

9) Laughing – Laughing has been proven to reduce stress. The more you laugh, the more likely you will become a positive thinker.

10) Organise and clean the space – Organise and clean the area where you are living so that your mind will feel more clear and you get the positive attitude in your mind.

11) Reading the book – Reading is a great way to calm your mind and to gain knowledge. It’s also a wonderful way to wake up your mind in the morning and help you to fall asleep at night.


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