Steps to prevent Hair fall

A good head of healthy hair is something that most people wish to have as it is clear sign of physical beauty. People suffer from hair fall often. Hair fall is a very common problem faced by millions of people across the globe. An average a person loses 50 to 100 strands of hair a day which is regarded as normal. If it loses more than this, you need to take immediate treatment. Read this article till the end to know the reasons behind hair fall along with 12 easy steps to prevent hair fall.

Reasons involved behind hair fall –

• Extreme cold weather.
• Exposure to sunlight.
• Improper diet plan.
• Use of wrong hair care products.
• Hereditary
• Stress
• Pollution
• Genetics

Tips to stop hair fall

1. Balanced diet plan – To prevent hair fall you need to keep an eye on what are you eating .The body needs different types of nutrients to promote healthy scalp and healthy hair growth. Eat balanced diet which include iron, protein, Vitamin C, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and essential fats. Include these food items in your diet like liver, pork, fish, green leafy, fortified cereals, beans, pumpkin seeds, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, peanut butter, brown rice, broccoli, potatoes, citrus fruits, flaxseeds, walnuts. Drink plenty of water to keep your body free from harmful toxins.

2. Wash your hair – You have to take proper care of your hair by r washing your hair with mild shampoo properly .Try to wash your hair at least two times in a week and those having extremely oily hair should wash hair every alternate day. Hair washing keep your scalp and hair free from dust, dirt, oil and other bacteria.

3. Do not brush in wet hair – Avoid brushing your hair when it is wet to prevent hair fall. When hair is wet it is at vulnerable state and even little pulling cause the hair to break easily. If you need to comb your wet hair first use your fingers to untangle them and then use a very wide –toothed comb. Comb your hair with gentle hands. Never make the mistake of using brush on a wet hair as it leads to hair breakage.

4.Regular physical exercise – Regular exercising can have a positive effect on your hair growth rate and prevent the problem of hairfall.When you exercise regularly it gives blood circulation to the body as well as to scalp. Exercise helps you to sweat which help to flushed out the toxins from the body and keep your body energetic and refreshed throughout the day.

5.Hot oil treatment – Frequent hot oil treatment can help a lot to prevent hair fall. For hot oil treatment you can take any natural oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, mustard oil. Take hair oil and slightly heat up so that it is warm. Now use this oil to gently massage your scalp in circular motion with the help of finger tips. Leave it for an hour and then wash your hair using mild shampoo. This can be done at least twice a week.

6.Use wide toothed comb – Use wide toothed comb to prevent hair fall. Don’t use combing brush or small comb to comb your hair. Avoid sharing your comb with others especially when you do not know their scalp condition .Make sure, you must clean your comb every week with the help of brush, soap and water. This is one of the necessary precautions taking to control hair fall.

7. Avoid smoking – It leads to decreased blood flow resulting in increased hair fall .So if you have the habit of smoking and drinking ,then it’s time to say ‘NO’ to smoking and alcohol as they aggravate the problem of hair loss. As soon as you stop smoking, it will stimulate blood circulation and it is a fact that good circulation keeps hair follicles active and help to prevent hair fall.

8. Avoid things that are bad for your hair- Many women pull their hair so tight it actually comes out of its roots. Hair might be permanently stop growing from the area where it is pulled mostly. Don’t use any chemical treatments for your hair.

Blower for drying the hair – This dries out the scalp and damages hair follicles so using dryer regularly is harmful for your hair.

Diet to prevent hair fall

1) Carrot – Vitamin A rich carrots provide excellent nourishment to the scalp. Balanced diet include proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish like salmon and low fat diary are great boosters for healthy hair.

2) Green peas – Green peas contain a well balanced amount of vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc and vitamin –B group.
These are essential for maintaining healthy hair.

3) Oats – It helps to maintain a healthy heart and bowels .They contain high concentration of other essential nutrients such as zinc, iron and omega-6 fatty acids. It is essential to maintain normal skin, hair growth and development. Take a bowl of oatmeal in the breakfast.

4) Eggs – It contain essential nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and omega 6 fatty acids. It is a good source for biotin (Vitamin B7) which is a great aid to fight hair loss.

5)Spinach – Iron deficiency is the secondary cause of hair loss. Spinach is rich in minerals and vitamins – iron, beta carotene, folate and vitamin C which keep hair follicles healthy.

6)Take zinc in your diet – It helps the oil glands in the hair follicle to function normally. It helps to prevent hair loss and strengthening the hair follicles. Zinc is present in nuts, whole grains, dals, meat, seafood, and oyster.

7)Copper is essential for hair growth – It is required for the formation of hemoglobin in turn providing enough oxygen and blood to the hair. It is rich in soya, cashews, sesame seeds, meat especially liver, and seafood.

8)Take Vitamin – C in diet – Vitamin C is required for producing collagen which is essential for holding tissues in the hair together .It is rich in orange ,lemon ,berries ,watermelon, palak, methi , tomatoes and potatoes.

9)Take proteins in your diet – These are building blocks of every tissue of the body including hair and scalp .It helps in new hair generation to replace the ones that are lost.

10)Dates and raisins – It help to promote and stimulate hair growth .So whenever you are craving for something sweet ,dried fruits and nuts like dates and raisins are the best alternative.

11)Bean sprouts – It contain an important nutrient called silica that help in preventing hair loss .Silica helps in absorbing vitamins and minerals .Hair grows from follicle within the skin at the base of the hair root and needs silica to form new cells and regenerate healthy hair. Bean sprouts; cucumber, red and green peppers contain silica which is good for hair.

12)Take magnesium rich diet like dark leafy greens – Spinach, nuts ,fish, beans (soy beans) ,whole grains (brown rice),avocados ,Low –fat diary ( plain non fat yogurt) ,bananas , dried fruits ,dark chocolate, tomatoes.

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