Stay Protected From Ebola Virus With Homeopathy

Ebola virus has made news worldwide because of its destructiveness. Ebola virus was first identified in 1976 in Congo. As deadly Ebola virus continues to strike, researchers are trying to deal with further outbreaks and to limit the pandemic outbreak of the disease.

Here in this article we will give you information about Ebola virus and knowledge about some homeopathic medicines that can be used if you observe symptoms.

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What is Ebola virus?

Ebola is a rare, highly contagious and deadly virus. Once the virus enters the body it breaks the cell wall of blood vessels, damages the organs and immune system and results in internal and external bleeding.

How is Ebola virus transmitted?

Animal-to-human transmission of Ebola virus occurs from close contact with blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals.

Human-to-human transmission occurs from direct contact with blood, secretions, body fluids or organs of infected people.

Man who has recovered from this viral disease is still able to transmit the virus through semen up to 7 weeks after recovery.

Symptoms of Ebola virus:

Incubation period of the disease is 2 to 21 days.

Initial symptoms:

• Fever
• Weakness
• Pain in muscle
• Headache
• Sore throat
• Nausea
• Vomiting

As the infection spreads further:

• Internal and external bleeding
• Increased pain in the skin
• Roof of mouth appears red.
• Rashes over body that contain blood.
• Infected person dies of shock.

How Is It prevented?

It is difficult to identify person with Ebola virus in early stage because initial symptoms may be nonspecific. Therefore health care workers should apply precaution with all patients.

• Avoid close contact with person infected with Ebola virus.
• Infected person should be treated in isolation with health workers.
• While taking care of ill patient gloves, mask and personal protective clothing should be worn.
• Regular hand washing is required while taking care of patient.
• Samples taken from suspected person should be handled by trained staff
• People who have died from Ebola virus should be buried safely.

Can we treat Ebola viral disease homeopathically?

Yes symptomatic treatment is given in homeopathy. Few are the medicines listed below:

• Crotalus horridus:

There is dry, swollen dark red appearance of throat. Patient is unable to retain anything in stomach and vomits out blood. All excretions are dark in color. Patient has fever with bloody sweat. There is bleeding from every part of body.

• Lachesis:

Hemorrhagic tendency is also very marked in this remedy. Patient cannot bear tight clothing.

• Phosphorus:

Phosphorus is also among the good remedies in case of degeneration of blood vessels, every tissue and organ of body. Phosphorus is best suited to patient who appears tall, slender, narrow chest, thin and transparent skin. Patient is thirsty for very cold water.

• Arsenic:

Debility, exhaustion and restlessness are marked symptoms while prescribing this remedy. There is unquenchable thirst. Discharges are offensive.

• Millifolium:

It is a valuable remedy in case of hemorrhages. Blood is bright red. There is hemorrhage from every part of body.

• Sulphuric acid:

Suited to patient who is fretful, impatient, unwilling to answer questions and in a hurry. There is bleeding from skin.


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