Vaginal Yeast Infection

What is vaginal yeast infection? Who are more prone to it? What are its causes? What are the signs and symptoms? Is yeast infection contagious? What is the spread? How can it be diagnosed? What is the treatment? How can it be prevented? How can homeopathy help? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

vaginal yeast infection
What is a vaginal yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes extreme itchiness, irritation, discharge from the vagina. It is also called yeast vaginitis or candidal vaginitis. More than 90% of vaginal infections are caused by species called Candida Albicans.

Who is more prone to get a vaginal yeast infection?

Yeast infections are more common in women. Almost 75% of women are seen to be affected with one yeast infection, once in their lifetime. This occurs when too much yeast grows in the vaginal area.

What are the causes of a vaginal yeast infection?

A healthy vagina normally contains a balanced mix of bacteria and yeast cells. The fungus Candida is a naturally present microorganism in the vagina- responsible for most vaginal yeast infections. Certain bacteria, namely lactobacillus bacteria, prevent the overgrowth of yeast infection. If there is any disruption in the balance, candida starts to growing, causing the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection.

Also Read: Yeast Infection/ Candidiasis/ Thrush

Several factors can cause a yeast infection, which are as follows:
• Antibiotics, which decrease the number of good bacteria in the vagina
• Sexual contact with an infected person
• Poor hygiene or poor socio-economic conditions
• A weak immune system, such as when infected with HIV
• Uncontrolled diabetes
• Hormonal changes, like during pregnancy, menopause, or after intake of oral- contraceptive pills.
• Diet inclusive of a lot of sugar
• Stress

What are the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection?

• Itching and discomfort near the vaginal area.
• Burning, redness, or swelling of the vaginal area
• Pain and burning while urination or sex.
• Thick, odorless, clumpy, or whitish discharge from the vagina
• Soreness or rash.

Signs- Whitish thick the appearance of a yeast infection may be seen in the affected parts.

What about recurrent yeast infections?

A recurrent yeast infection occurs when a female has four or more vaginal infections in one year that are not associated with antibiotic use. They are usually related to the presence of an underlying medical condition such as impaired immunity or after aggressive treatment.

Are yeast infections contagious?

Yes, a yeast infection can be considered contagious. But they are not generally considered a Sexually transmitted disease (STD).

How can vaginal yeast infection spread?

• Sexual contact can spread the infection, but women who aren’t sexually active can also get them.
• They can be transferred from one partner to another during oral or vaginal intercourse, or by kissing someone having yeast infection of the mouth.
• It can also be transferred from a mother to her baby’s mouth during breastfeeding if candida overgrowth is present in the mother’s breast area.

Can a man be infected from a yeast infection?

Yes, it is possible for a man to get a yeast infection, from an infected woman after sexual contact. Common symptoms in men include itching, burning, and pain at the tip of the penis. Discomfort during urination can also occur. The penile area may become reddened or irritated. Treatment for male sexual partners is not necessary until symptoms develop.

How can a vaginal yeast infection be diagnosed?

• History of the patient, especially about past vaginal infections or sexually transmitted infections.
• Pelvic examination, to examine walls of vagina and cervix to look for any visible discharge, redness, and swelling. It also includes an examination of external surrounding areas, for the signs of infection.
• Examination of a sample of vaginal discharge, either by culture or by direct examination under a microscope, to identify the yeast organism.

What is the treatment for vaginal yeast infection?

• Oral antifungal medicine.
• Topical antibiotic (antifungal) vaginal creams, tablets, or suppositories.

Can any home remedy be done to treat a yeast infection?

Some home remedies can help, but these are not as effective as indicated medicines. Some of the commonly used home remedies are as follows-
• Coconut oil
• Tea tree oil cream
• Garlic
• Intake of plain yogurt

How can a yeast infection be prevented?

• Take regular baths or showers
• Properly clean the genital area from front to back.
• Wear natural fiber such as cotton, linen, or silk and loose-fitting cotton undergarment to reduce moisture and prevent yeast infections.
• Wash undergarments in hot water
• Avoid using tight clothes/pants, douches, or scented tampons
• Eat a well-balanced diet
• Consume foods that contain probiotics (healthy bacteria that are normally found in the body), like yogurt which may help to prevent yeast infections.

What is the homeopathic treatment for vaginal yeast infection?

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in cases of vaginal yeast infection, as it helps to withdraw the disease from its root by raising the body’s immunity. Commonly used homeopathic medicines are-
• Pulsatilla
• Kreosotum
• Borax
• Calcarea carbonica
• Hydrastis

Also Read: Vaginal Infection Prevention

For more information, you can visit MayoCinic and WebMD.

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