Vegetables for glowing skin

We all want to look beautiful, with a glowing radiant skin. But most of us have resigned to the fact that our skin is less than perfect. Lack of proper skincare routine and a good diet makes it next to impossible to attain that radiant glow.



Potatoes work very well to help lighten pigmented areas, dark spots and blemishes through its bleaching action, thus giving us glowing and blemish free skin. It can help lighten and remove under eye dark circles naturally.


Tomatoes are present in almost every kitchen but we do not often use it for its skin benefits. Tomatoes are known to be the best source of the anti –aging & anti oxidant .It contain lycopene along with high amount of other vitamins like Vit A, C and K.


It is an excellent anti –aging food. Cabbage is another great vegetable for glowing skin. It contains a powerful antioxidant – indole -3 –carbonile. It fights against damage caused by free radicals and help in the detoxification of liver, thus eliminate chances of dull skin.


Being the best dietary source of the powerful antioxidant flavonoid Quercetin, onion is high on sulfur that is good for our liver. It is having anti – inflammatory and anti – bacterial effect and is very effective in helping to acquire glowing skin by ridding it on skin pigmentation, dark spots, freckles and blemishes.


It is rich in beta –carotene, minerals and essential vitamins such as Vitamin –C whose antioxidant action fights with cellular damage which is caused by free radicals. Carrots are not useful for healthy vision but also for skin.


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