Prostate Cancer

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What is prostate cancer? What are the symptoms and complications if it remains untreated? Is it curable? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

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What is prostate cancer?

-Prostate cancer is a tumor that is malignant.

-This malignant tumor consists of cells of the prostate gland.

-The tumor grows slowly and for many years it remains confined to the prostate gland and produces no observable symptoms.

-In some cases, prostatic cancers grow rapidly and may cause severe effects of the patient.

What are the causes of prostate cancer?

-Advancing age of men.

-Patient having a family history.

-Sexually transmitted infections like AIDS etc.

-A diet high in fat.

-Exposure to chemicals like (cadmium).


Is prostate cancer usually fatal?

-In case of more than 90 percent of men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer live for five years or longer after treatment.

-In severe cases, it may fatal.

What are the sign and symptoms of prostate cancer?

-Difficulty in starting and stopping the urination.

-Increased frequency of urination with pain while urinating.

-Diminished urinary stream or urine dribbles.

-Incomplete evacuation of the bladder with the sensation of fullness in the bladder.

-It may cause impotency.

-Blood in urine.

-Blood in the semen.

-Discomfort in the pelvic area.

-Painful ejaculation.

-Hip or back pain.

-Bone pains.

-Swelling in the legs.

-Losing bowel control.

-Soreness in the groin.

-Leg swelling or weakness.

-Unexplained weight loss

How many stages of prostate cancer?

There are 4 stages of prostate cancer:

-Stage I prostate cancer

This stage shows very early cancer.

In this stage, cancer remains confined to a small area of the prostate.

-Stage II prostate cancer

In this stage, cancer may have grown enough to involve both sides of the prostate gland.

-Stage III prostate cancer

In this stage, cancer has spread to the seminal vesicles or other nearby tissues.

-Stage IV prostate cancer

In this stage, cancer invades nearby organs, such as:

–the bladder,

–or lymph nodes,


–Lungs or other organs.

What part of the body is affected by prostate cancer?

The body part is affected by prostate cancer is a prostate gland, it is the part of the male reproductive system.

Is prostate cancer Painful?

-Yes, in some cases it may cause pain.

-And it depends upon the susceptibility of person to person and also depends upon the severity of the case.

How to investigate?

-Digital rectal examination.


-Prostate-specific antigen test.

-Prostate biopsy

How to treat?


-Radiation therapy

-Hormone therapy


How to manage?

-Eat proper nutritious diet.

-Avoid food high in animal fats.

-Eat fruits, vegetables, and grains, it helps in reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

-Diet rich in vitamins C and E and beta-carotene).

What is the prognosis?

-The prognosis depends on the stage and severity of the case.

-The early detection of prostate cancer and early treatment can prevent the spread of cancer.

Can homeopathic medicine help in prostate cancer?

Yes, homeopathy can help symptomatically and it depends upon person to person. Some of the homeopathic medicines which can help in this case. These are:




-Phosphoric acid

-Zincum metallicum



For more information, you can visit NHS and PCF.

Prostate Cancer

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