Polymorphic Light Eruption (PLE)/ Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE)

PMLE? PLE? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Polymorphic Light Eruption (PMLE)?

Polymorphic Light Eruption (PMLE) is a condition which causes an itchy skin rash that is resulted by sun exposure. It is caused by the prolonged exposure to the sun UVA and UVB radiations.There appears a rash with pinpoint papule with intense itching or burning, occasionally there may be fever, chills and illness.

Location of Rash:- It appears on arms, chest or lower legs, in some cases it can spread to face too.

These rashes settle in couple of days to weeks.

Season for aggravation:- Chances of re-occurrence are higher in summers but in few cases people can develop it in the winter.

Which Race, age gets affected?

PMLE Usually 20 -40 years of age are affected

Females are more commonly affected than males.

What are the causes?

The causes are as follows-

• Family history

• Women

• Teenager of approximately 20 years

• People with fair skin

• Exposure to UV-C light

• UV-B light exposure or even visible light

What are the signs and symptoms?

The signs and symptoms are as follows-

• Thick clusters of small bumps

• Raised rough patches

• Red papules

• Nausea and chills

• Itching or burning like a burn

• Blistering and swelling

• Scaly skin

• Chills, headache, fever and nausea

• Lesion that resemble eczema

What are the investigations suggested in these cases?

• Complete case history

• Physical examination

• Blood test

• Photo-testing

• Skin biopsy

What are the conventional medications suggested ?

• Analgesics

• Anti-itch creams

• Beta carotene

• Topical steroid cream

• Photo therapy

• Light therapy /(PUVA)therapy

What is the Prognosis?

The chances of PMLE getting treated is good.

What are the complications?

• Skin rash

• Skin burning

• Discoloration of skin

What are the deferential Diagnosis?

• Contact dermatitis

• Allergies

• Systemic lupus erthematosis

• Erythropoietic porphyria

• Drug eruption

• Photosensitive drug reaction

• Solar urticaria

• Actinic reticuloid

• Photosensitive eczema

What are the commonly indicated Homeopathic medications?

Aconitum napellus

Apis mellifica


Natrum mur


What are the precautions and dietary restrictions?

• Avoid Sun exposure in peak afternoons by Staying at home between 10 am to 4 pm.

• Wear clothing to cover body including extremities as it works as a physical barrier to protect from Sun.

• Use sunscreen/ sun-blocks with SPF 50 lotion when going out.

• Add vitamin D supplements to diet.

• Use cold comprehension on affected skin.

• One must prevent infection by leaving the blister intact and avoid scratching them.

•  Use lip balm with sunscreen.

• Wear sunglasses when going out.

• Keep fully hydrated.

• Drink green tea.

• Avoid artificial sweeteners.

• Eat beta-carotene rich food.

For more information, you can visit NHS and Wikipedia.

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