Here’s The Best Diet Plan For Diabetics

Diabetes can be managed effectively from well-balanced diet, meal planning and moderation of certain foods. Read this article till the end to know about the perfect and the best diet plan for diabetics.

diet plan for diabetics

Diabetics can be managed effectively from well-balanced diet, meal planning and moderation of certain foods. A healthy diet that is on high in fiber, low in sugar, low in fats is the key to diabetes management.

A well-balanced diet keeps blood glucose levels in the healthy range and lower the risk of complications such as heart disease and stroke. There is variety of choices like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, non-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry and fish, make up the diet for diabetes.

There are plenty of choices. One good on-the-go breakfast idea is low-sugar yogurt. When you have time to eat breakfast at home, make an egg white omelet with toppings of onions, mushrooms and bell peppers. You can also serve yourself a bowl of cereal and milk topped with fruits and nuts.

A lean-meat sandwich on whole-wheat bread, a portion of cooked green vegetables excellent idea for lunch. If you are eating out or with your friends or colleagues then a salad with no dressing is one way of having a nutritious meal. An apple for dessert is a good option.

Protein intake is recommended for the last meal of the day (such as cottage cheese and beans) and plenty of vegetables. Green vegetable salad and Fish is one excellent dinner choice.

Small portion of snacks between meals helps in blood sugar from dropping low. Boiled egg, carrot sticks, nuts, celery with peanut butter, cottage cheese, fruits and low sugar granola bars are helpful.

Fruits like strawberry and other berries, apples, peaches, pears, grapefruit, oranges and plums are beneficial for vitamins and fiber intake. It is great as an antioxidant.

Almonds, Butternuts, Walnut, Pista, Cashew-nut, Pumpkinseeds, Linseeds, Jamun seeds, Fenugreek seeds are some beneficial nuts which are recommended for Diabetic patients.

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The diet is advised to include non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms and green beans.

This is very helpful method to keep your diet in check. Plan a flexible menu of what you will have for each meal, with plenty of options. It is important to review your schedule to check how much plan has been executed and accordingly improvements can be done for future diets.

Diet plays an important role in managing diabetes and controlling but exercises like walking, biking and swimming are also proven effective in managing and controlling this condition.

Source: OnlyMyHealth

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