Signs your hairs predict about your health?

Most of us view our hair as separate from the rest of our body, but like our nails, hair is an extension of our body that can give us clues as to our overall health.

Here are some signs that your hairs tell about your health: 

1. Lustrous hair that turned fine and limp:

Shows either you have been swimming in chlorinated water or you dye your hair recently. But if not so then limp, dry hair may also be a sign of hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, in which your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones, causing your metabolism to slow down.

2. Dry, thin hair:


Thick locks that change into thin strands could also be a sign of hypothyroidism. The thyroid is the master gland that regulates the endocrine system and also impacts how hair is formed. Another reason can be protein deficiency. Protein is essential to building your hair, so if you don’t get enough, you may notice hair loss or thinning.

3. Premature grey hair:
Stress hormones are thought to believe to impact the survival and/or activity of melanocytes, follicle shrivels, which is the result of the production of free radicals produced by the stress hormones leading to hair graying.

grey hair

4. Dandruff and yellow flakes:


Yellow or white flakes in your hair, on your shoulders, or in your eyebrows is a sign of seborrheic dermatitis commonly known as dandruff. But if your dandruff is starting to turn into thick scaly patches, it could be a sign that you have psoriasis.

5. Shedding hairs:

The average person loses about 100 hairs a day but this hair loss is normal . However, if your hair starts to fall out in clumps, it could be a sign of anemia or a sign of a hormonal imbalance relating to Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Still, there are also a few medications, including some birth control pills and antidepressants, which can cause hair loss as a side effect.

6. Brittle,dry  hairs:

Brittle hair is one symptom of Cushing’s syndrome. But, there are many other more obvious symptoms of this rare condition caused by excess cortisol, including high blood pressure, fatigue, and back pain.


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