Signs That Indicate Your Thyroid Isn’t Working Right

Let’s discuss Thyroid gland: A butterfly shaped organ that is situated in neck is known as thyroid gland. Thyroid is responsible for huge variety of functions of body. Chances of having thyroid disorder increases by 30% in a woman over 35 years of age. Thyroid gland produces a thyroid hormone (TH). Thyroid hormone is responsible for regulation of our body’s metabolism, body’s temperature and heartbeat. If the thyroid is over-active or under-active the body is unable to break down proteins also not able to process carbohydrates and vitamins, this is the reason of uncontrollable weight gain or weight loss in thyroid problems.

What factors affect normal functioning of thyroid gland?

Genetic factors, autoimmune system, pregnancy, nutritional deficiencies, stress or toxins in environment.

Symptoms of dysfunctional thyroid gland:

• Feeling of exhaustion: There are lots of conditions that made you feel exhausted but it could also be due to hypothyroidism. If you wake up tired after a full night sleep and you feel exhausted all day long then it indicates your underactive thyroid.

• Depression:

One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is feeling sad without any cause. It may be because low production of thyroid hormone may have impact on serotonin level that is responsible for “feel good” factor in brain.


Feeling anxious is linked to hyperthyroidism, when thyroid gland is making too much of thyroid hormone.

• Increased appetite:


If you are feeling hungry all the time then your thyroid gland is responsible. Increased appetite is a sign of hyperthyroidism. If your thyroid gland is underactive then it will alter your sense of taste and smell.

• Fussy brain:

If you are experiencing your concentration is getting poor then you have hyperthyroidism and the problem of forgetfulness and brain fog is associated with hypothyroidism.

• Loss of interest in sex:

Decreased or loss of sexual desire results due to hypothyroidism.

• Increased heart palpitations:

If you feel your heart is beating too hard or quickly or you skipping a beat or two, these all are signs when too much thyroid hormone is circulating in your blood, this condition is called hyperthyroidism.

• Dry skin:

Hypothyroidism leads to dry and itchy skin. If thyroid production is low then it results in slow metabolism which may change skin texture. Nails may also become brittle and ridges develop.

• Disturbed bowel movement:

Hypothyroidism slows down the digestive process hence people may complain of constipation. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism results in diarrhea or frequent bowel movement.

• Disturbed menstrual cycle:

Hypothyroidism leads to long menstrual period with heavy flow. In hyperthyroidism the high TH level results in short menstrual period with light bleeding, periods are delayed.

• Pain or cramps in extremities:

Sudden tingling, numbness or pain in arms, legs, feet or hands can be an indication of hypothyroidism. Too little production of thyroid hormone may result in nerve damage which sends signals to brain and spinal cord throughout body this results in feeling of numbness, tingling or pain in extremities.

• High blood pressure:

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism both results in elevation of blood pressure. Hypothyroidism slows down the heart beat that affects the pumping efficiency and flexibility of walls of blood vessels that result in increase in blood pressure.

• Disturbed thermostat:

Hypothyroidism will make you feel cold or chilly this is because less thyroid hormone in blood slows down the metabolism which means less energy is burned by cells and less energy means less heat. While hyperthyroidism makes you feel too warm and sweat profusely.

• Hoarse voice:

Thyroid disorder will change your voice or there is a feeling of lump in your throat. If you see any swelling in neck you must visit a doctor.

• Disturbed sleep pattern:

Sometimes you may feel too sleepy and its hard to wake up.On the other side you may have sleepless nights making you tired and exhausted.

• Weight gain:

Hypothyroidism will increase your weight. Even if you are eating less and exercising regularly you still cannot lose your weight. While hyperthyroidism will result in sudden loss of weight.

• Your hairs are falling out:

Hypothyroidism results in dry and brittle hair and causes easy falling out of hair. Less thyroid hormone in blood results in resting mode of hair growth cycle and hence hair fall.

• You have problems getting pregnant:

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism both will cause problems for you in getting pregnant. Problems of ovulation occur that results in problems of fertility.

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