Seizure First Aid Tips to Save Someone’s Life

Seizure can Happen to anyone, anywhere and anytime. It is always better to be well informed on how to act smartly in order to save someone’s life. These tips are meant so that patient can receive appropriate care before medical help reaches. It is important to be aware about seizure first aid tips to save someone’s life.
In such situations one must remain calm so that he/she can help the patient. Panicking creates unnecessary havoc and doesn’t help the patient.

If person has collapsed on dangerous place like near fire or on road then it is necessary to relocate them to a safe place, but if person is in a safe place it is not advisable to move them unnecessarily.

It is important to note the time when seizure starts as it is a crucial information which will help doctors to reach to correct diagnosis and help the patient.

It is important to maintain clear airways till medical help arrives, occasionally the patients roll their tongue and may obstruct the airways or in cases of epileptic patients froth in mouth can cause secondary drowning, so to avoid complication it is important to roll the patient to his sides.

It is vital to call for medical help as soon as possible. It is not only kind but helpful to stay with the patient till medical help arrives. It helps patient as if their seizure stops, they are disoriented and scared so they can be comforted and in case of any further complication like chocking staying with them will help them as necessary action can be taken.

Supporting the patient’s head with cushion helps the not only in their comfort but in case of clonic and tonic spasm where patient is jerking his head so any head injury can be prevented.

In case patient is biting his/her tongue by clenching his teeth it is important to prevent injury to the tongue so by placing a spoon in their moth tongue can be protected.

It is important to note that one must not put anything in mouth of the person seizing like water or any food items or medicine, as it may result in chocking which is hazardous.

In case the seizure ends it is important to note the time so that this vital information can be provided to their consulting physician in order to arrive to accurate diagnosis as there are various types or epilepsy.

It is important to know that seizures can happen due to medical condition so in case if any one treats this like the person is possessed which is just a superstition and lack of knowledge and education then this false information should not be followed as by not administering accurate medical treatment you risk patient’s life as well.

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