Protect your Child from Asthma, Start Homeopathy Today!

Asthma is a major non-communicable disease affecting both children and adults. It is the chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes which results in swelling and constriction of the airways known as asthma.


Asthma and Causes:

There are several factors responsible for asthma attacks and the triggers vary from person to person.

• The main factors include-
• Respiratory infections caused by the common cold.
• Airborne substances like:
–dust mites,
–pet dander.
• Environmental factors like pollution, smoke, dust, pollen, etc.
• Smoking during pregnancy and after delivery are under greater risk.
• Genetic factors including a family history of asthma or allergies to dust and pollens.


Asthma and Symptoms:

• Wheezing.
• Chest Tightness.
• Breathing Problems.
• Coughing notably while exercising or while laughing.
• Unable to sleep due to wheezing and chronic coughing.

Asthma and Management:

• Avoiding substances that irritate the airways.
• Keep the house clean.
• Keep away from animal dander.
• Avoid smoking.
• Avoid the air polluted area.

Asthma and Homeopathic Medicine:

Homeopathy can help symptomatically in this condition. Some of the homeopathic medicines which can help in this case.

• Arsenicum album
• Kalium carbonicum
• Sambucus nigra
• Natrium sulphuricum
• Antimonium tartaricum
• Spongia

For more information, you can visit MayoClinic and WebMD.


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