Prediabetes: Your Wake-up Call

Control Blood sugar at early stage to prevent Diabetes Mellitus. Read this article till the end to know about prediabetes stage and more.

It not only increases the risk of developing Diabetes Mellitus but it increases risk of heart attack and stroke as well, hence it is important to change your life style. Adopt a healthier lifestyle.

A slippery Slope

-When Blood Sugar Level is Higher than normal than a person is at higher risk.

-If life style modification is not done then it can lead to serious health issues like heart attack, stroke and Type 2 diabetes.

Who are at risk?

– People with Genetic predisposition to Type 2 diabetes are more prone to develop irrespective to their age.

– Obesity- Overweight people tend to develop this condition.

– People with bad eating habits like junk food and sedentary life style are also at risk.

– People with ethnicity like Asian -Americans, African -Americans, Latinos, Pacific Islanders are more at risk compared to others.

Women:- Higher risk

-Females are more at risk due to female hormones. Female hormones tend to promote fat formation and storage.

-The muscle mass starts reducing at the age of 40 and start getting replaced with fat also leading to higher risk.

What to expect from testing?

When your doctor screens you for Diabetes following investigations are advised usually.

-Glycosylated Haemoglobin :- HbA1c ( 5.7 to 6.4 indicated you are pre diabetic) and beyond 6.5 is termed as Diabetic.

-Fasting Blood Sugar: –100 to 125 indicated you are pre-diabetic and beyond 126 is diabetic.

-Post Postprandial Blood Sugar: –140 to 199(2 hours after meal) indicated pre-diabetes and beyond 200 is termed as Diabetic.

A few pounds can make a difference

-Losing few pounds can help in postponing or preventing Type 2 Diabetes.

Crash Dieting will not help for short duration. Long term opting for healthier lifestyle will help in Diabetes Mellitus.

Being more active is helpful

-Try brisk walking or other cardiovascular activities for 30 to 35 min at least 5 days a week.

– Staying active throughout the day helps, sedentary jobs lead to further problem.

– Weight yourself regularly once a week.

Medication can have various side effects and are not that effective whereas exercise helps in reducing weight, blood sugar and regulates adequate blood pressure.

Other benefit of having healthy lifestyle is you look and feel good so why wait get tested and start opting for healthy lifestyle now.


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