Phobia: Manage With Homeopathy

Are you afraid of dark? If the answer is yes; you must know is it fear or phobia? If you can go in dark while being afraid it is fear. But if your heart beat gets faster, you experience overwhelming desire to escape the situation, or there is difficult breathing, sweating or shaking: then you are suffering from phobia from dark.


A phobic person shows symptoms of having fast heart beat , shortness of breath , dizziness , trembling , sweating , dryness of mouth , suicidal thoughts , inability to focus .

Homeopathy is the holistic systems of medicine. It helps in regaining complete health by removing signs and symptoms of disease. Homoeopathy proves to be of great help in case of phobias. It not only treats phobia but cure the underlying cause. There are various homoeopathic remedies for the cure of phobia. The choice of remedy depends on individualization, complaints of patient and its modalities.

Along with medicines patient’s counseling is necessary. Patient is advised to have gradual exposure to the feared object or situation. Sudden exposure should be avoided as that can lead to panic attack. Patient needs emotional support to do this. Someone should accompany the patient while doing so.

Initially a exposure should start from photographs or audiovisuals. Eventually a person can be exposed object form situation he or she fears from. the person who is accompanying that individual must help in gaining confidence that the object or situation is not fearful as it is being assumed. This is called conditioning of a brain in a particular way.

Homoeopathy can help in managing your fears with remedies.

Few self care measures helpful in early recovery-

-doing relaxation techniques
-try to focus on positive thoughts
-having enough sleep
-engaging in sports
-staying away from tea and coffee

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