Muscle – Friendly Foods

Muscles are a soft tissue. Muscle cells contain protein filaments of actin and myosin which producing a contraction that changes both the length and the shape of the cell. Its function is to produce force and motion. It is responsible for maintaining and changing posture, locomotion. Checkout these amazing muscle friendly foods you must include in your diet to give strength to your muscles.

1) Almonds – It is a good source of protein which is essential for the body to repair and build muscle after working out. Almonds are rich in vitamin E – the alpha –tocopherol which is absorbed by your body and prevent free -radical damage that occur after heavy workout. It speeds up the muscle recovery process.

2) Spinach – It contain phytoecdysteroids which increase the development of muscles and muscle strength. It is alkaline in nature and helps to balance the acidic environment which is created by protein foods preventing muscle and bone loss. It contains antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C and folates that protect against free radical damage after exercise.

3) Dairy products – Milk contain proteins and low –fat dairy products like yogurt, cheese helps to refuel muscles and speed up muscle recovery. It is a healthy mixture of carbohydrates and proteins which makes an ideal drink.

4) Beans – Beans are rich in protein and carbs.It contains dietary fiber which helps to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. It plays a stabilising role which is vital for building muscle mass.

5) Eggs – They are rich in complete proteins which help to promote muscle growth and recovery.

6) Oats – Oats are rich in fiber and low on the glycemic index. They contain carbohydrate and sugar content which is released gradually into blood stream and maintain the energetic level. Oatmeal is a good source of vitamin B which helps to lower stress and energise by converting carbs into energy.

7) Peanut butter – It is rich in monounsaturated fats which increase the body production of testosterone. It help in muscle grow as well as speed up the muscle recovery process. It is a good source of protein, vitamin E, niacin and magnesium.

8) Salmon – It contains omega -3 fatty acids which help to reduce muscle protein breakdown and muscle inflammation which improving muscle recovery. It also helps in reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

9) Beef – It is one of the sources for the amino acid creatine. The meat is also rich in iron and zinc which is useful for muscle –building or protein synthesis.

10) Green tea – Green tea help to reduce stomach fat by increasing fat oxidation in the abdomen. It improves overall health.

11) Raspberries – It play role in building muscle. It improves the digestive health. It contains high content of anthocyanin antioxidants which can boost the brain sensitivity to leptin. It regulates the metabolic rate and insulin sensitivity.


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