Missed Periods – How Homeopathy can help?

Normally duration of menstrual cycle is 28 days. If menstrual bleeding occurs more frequently in every 21 days or if it lasts for more than 8 days then the menstrual cycle is said to be disturbed. Menarche starts in a girl of age between 11-13 years. During first few years after the start of menstruation the menstrual cycle is irregular normally.


Missed periods is known as amenorrhea. Amenorrhea may be primary or secondary. Primary amenorrhea is a condition when menses never starts in a women. Secondary amenorrhea is a condition when there is absence of menses for more than 6 months when the woman is menstruating before.

Many internal factors such as hormonal level, stress and illness have a direct influence on the menstrual cycle. External and environmental factors also affects the menstrual cycle.

Normally a woman menstruates when there is a change in the level of hormones that are made by ovaries. Hormones from the hypothalamus gland controls the pituitary gland which in turn sends signal to ovaries to produce hormones.  If the disorder occurs in this regulatory cycle then amenorrhea occurs.

Primary Amenorrhea:

If the menstrual cycle never starts in a girl by the age of 16 years the condition is called primary amenorrhea.

  • Disease affection of pituitary and hypothalamus gland results in primary amenorrhea.
  • The most common reason of primary amenorrhea in young girls is premature failure of ovaries.
  • A genetic condition called Turner’s syndrome is also a reason of primary amenorrhea.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, congenital hyperplasia and androgen insensitivity also results in primary amenorrhea.

Secondary amenorrhea:

Most common reason for secondary amenorrhea is pregnancy, that is the normal physiological process. Conditions that causes problem in ovaries, uterus, pituitary or hypothalamus gland results in secondary amenorrhea.

  • Marked weight loss.
  • Stress either physical or emotional.
  • Strainous exercise.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Raised level of male hormone androgen.
  • Polycystic ovary stndrome.
  • Scarring of uterine lining, the condition is known as Asherman’s syndrome.

Are there any complications of amenorrhea?

Yes. The most significant complications for amenorrhea is infertility. Prolonged amenorrhea lowers the level of estrogen that causes osteoporosis. There are other complications also but that depend on the cause of the amenorrhea.

During missed period women may complain of:

  • Nausea.
  • Depression and irritability.
  • Headache.
  • Weight gain.
  • Bloating.

How Homeopathy can help?

Jonosia Ashoka –
• Menses are irregular
• Pain in lower abdomen and back before menstrual flow.
• Irritable bladder.

Gossypium –
• Intermittent pain in abdomen.
• Morning sickness. Menses watery and suppressed.

Sepia –

• Bearing down sensation, prolapse of uterus.
• Menses scanty and appears too late
• Morning sickness.
• Pulsating headache.

Pulsatilla –
• Lower abdominal pains and cramps
• Patient desires open air.
• Aversion to fatty food and there is no thirst.
• Menses appears too late and scanty, blood is dark and clotted.
• Pain in back

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