Milk for Healthy Skin, Muscles, Bones, Teeth and More

Milk is a great source of vitamins and nutrients, it is good for skin, muscles, healthy bones & teeth, blood pressure and to relieve stress. Read this article till the end to know all the benefits of this super drink.

Milk is an important part in our diet. We begin drinking it when we are young, but our intake decrease as we get older. Some people shy away from it because they fear that it will add too much fat to their diet. Others leave it out because they believe that they no longer need it.

You are never too old to reap the rewards of drinking milk .It is a great source of vitamins and nutrients.

It has several health benefits:

Milk has several nutrients which help skin to glow. It has lactic acid which can act as an exfoliate and enzymes to help smooth skin. It also has amino acids that help to keep skin moisturized.

Milk contains protein which helps to rebuild muscles. Drink a glass of milk after you exercise to give your body what is needed to recover.

Milk is a great way to de-stress at the end of the day. A glass of warm milk will help to relax tense muscle and soothe frayed nerves. Milk has been proven to reduce symptoms of PMS and boost energy.

Consuming 3 portion of dairy each day along with 5 portions of fruit and vegetables as part of a low salt diet can reduce high blood pressure in both adults and children. Intake of low-fat milk products was associated with a decrease of blood pressure.

Milk is a great source of calcium, which is essential for healthy bones. It is great for strong teeth and helps to prevent tooth decay and cavities. In order for the calcium to be absorbed by the body, vitamin D must be present.

People who drank the most milk had fewer heart attacks than those who had little or more milk in their diet. Higher intakes of calcium in particular are linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. High calcium intakes may reduce high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, and increase low levels of good cholesterol both of which are known risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Women who drink low fat or skim milk lose more weight than those who exclude milk from their diet. It is a great appetizer.

It’s a popular belief that people who consume milk and dairy foods are likely to be obese than those who do not. Consumption of milk and dairy foods as a part of a calorie controlled diet is associated with increased weight loss, particularly from the abdomen.

Regular consumption of low fat dairy products can help to reduce the risk of type2 diabetes which has been a long standing problem in adults .

Milk has a protective effect on risk of both colorectal and breast cancer. Naturally occurring fat in the diary products known as Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a protective component in colon cancer.

Milk is an excellent choice of fluid as it not only re-hydrate the body but provide a host of beneficial nutrients. Rehydration after exercise is particularly important to replace lost fluids. Chocolate milk helps the body to recover after exhausting exercise.

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