Meal Planning for Children with Juvenile or Type 1 Diabetes

If your child is suffering from type 1 diabetes, meal planning is very essential. Every meal your child eats can affect his blood sugar. Consult a diet counselor or ask your doctor for proper diet planning.

type 1 diabetes

Good Nutrition: 

It is challenging to plan a diet for a kid with diabetes.

The child should get the following:

– 10%-20% of his calories from the protein,
– 25%-30% calories from healthy fats,
– 50%-60% from carbohydrates.


Carbohydrate which is complex is good for health like whole grains and vegetables. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber which are good for blood sugar levels.

Constant Carbohydrate Plan and Carb Counting:

The other option is to plan a regular set portion of carbohydrates in every meal and snack. Proper insulin adjustments should be done. Daily same meal is not necessary however total carbs should remain the same.

Exchange Meal Plan:

The diet from which a child can eat are these six groups: - starch, fruit, milk, fat, vegetable, and meat. The food item with the same calorie count, carbohydrate and protein can be exchanged and the meal can be planned accordingly. The food item list should be consulted with diet counselor and it is also available online.

Foods to Avoid:

People with diabetes are prone to cardiovascular diseases. So, try to inculcate the habit in your kid to avoid fatty food or food which is high in salt which induces hypertension and excess sweets or candies.

This does not mean your kid cannot eat them, but proper calculated diet planning is needed with your team of doctors. Proper account for the carbohydrates over the course of the day is mandatory.

Snacks to Keep on Hand:

Keep carb-controlled snacks freely available and handy for your kid so that he won’t binge on unhealthy food.

Some of the options are as follows: - low-fat string cheese, a hard-boiled egg, or a small serving of nuts with a sugar-free drink.

Highs and Lows:

If your child eats more than planned meal causing hyperglycemia then adjust the insulin dose with the help of your doctor and diet counselor to learn how to adjust the meal.

In case there is hypoglycemia make sure glucose, tablets are available to prevent serious complications.

Keep Track:

Maintaining records is important for carbohydrate intake and insulin doses so that your physician can plan the further meal.

For more information, you can visit MedlinePlus and JDRF.

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