Management of Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system. Asthma patients suffer from attacks that enforce the system to breathe with difficulty.

Wheezing, choking, gasping for breath and suffocation are the symptoms of asthmatic attack. It is therefore to exercise with proper caution and avoid the onset of an attack to a possible extent.

Asthma patient are required to follow a proper routine. People experience the intense struggle of asthma related problems if they don’t follow certain regularities in their daily life.


 Signs and symptoms – 

• Initially feeling of distress and restlessness with painless tightness in the chest.

• There may be cough, sometime with phlegm.

• Wheezing / whistling sound when breathing.

• Mild to moderate shortness of breath.

• Shortness and rapid breathing followed with a feeling of anxiety, sweating and inability to lie down on the back.

Precautionary measures for Asthmatic patient

• Early morning is the best time for breathing pure air. Early morning walk is very useful for asthma patients and it is good for respiratory track.

• A person who is suffering from asthma needs regular morning exercise.

• Try to consume easily digestible meals. Avoid spicy rich foods. Indigestion can cause you discomfort.

• Smoking can cause complete respiratory failure, so quit the smoking immediately.

• Asthma patients should avoid drinking alcohol.

• Asthmatic patient need to live a stress free life. Excessive excitement can increase the risk of asthmatic attack.

• Try to recognize and avoid the factors that trigger the asthmatic attacks.

• The diet of an asthmatic patient should be kept simple and nutritious. The food should be cooked with less oil and spices to keep it easily digestible.

• Sweets should be avoided at night time. Dinner should be consumed at least two hours before sleeping so that the stomach is almost empty before sleeping.

• Dietary intake of fruits and vegetables should be enhanced. Snacks should be mainly in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables .Fatty, oily, salty or sweet snacks should be avoided.

• Avoid from cold as it can cause the asthmatic attacks.

• Avoid the allergenic situations such as dusty atmosphere.

• Consume bitter gourd (karela) cooked or juice to strengthen the immunity.

• Take carrots, bananas, cauliflower, soy flour, cereals, pasta, whole grains, wheat bran like rice, wheat germ, dried beans, peas, soybeans.

• Increase intake of magnesium in the diet such as sea food, nuts, green leafy vegetables, peas, pulses, whole grains, and fruits should be increased.

• Consume vitamin B complex such as fish, dairy products, lean meat especially pork, eggs, crab.


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