Management for Panic Attack

First understand that you are learning these practices not to stop the panic attack but to help your child to let go the panic attack easily.

Yoga, deep breathing and relaxation techniques:

Teach your child yoga and deep breathing exercises to calm down breathing.


These techniques will empower your child to develop mastery over symptoms and improve sense of control over body.

Feeling of panic and anxiety gets worse due to quick breathing. If a child learns these techniques she can focus on slow deep breathing during attack which will help her.

Be calm and provide comfort to child during panic attack:

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When a child sees that the parent is calm, the child can model a parent’s attitude. First thing that a parent should understand that they cannot stop the attack while it is occurring, but they can help the child in remaining calm during attack. This will help in reducing the duration of attack.

Try to divert mind:

Put the ice cube wrapped in a cloth on your child’s hand. This will help in diverting your child’s mind away from panic attack.

Or try to make her focus on other things that are around her.

Positive talking:

During an attack be calm and assure your child that she will be ok soon.

Praise your child:

If a child tries to control breathing during attack or diverts her mind that helps in reducing the duration of attack, always praise her. Make her understand that you are proud of her, these things will boost her to do better and ultimately duration and frequency of attack will reduce.

Listen to your child’s feelings:

This will boost self confidence in your child and will help her a lot.


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