Live Life Free From Social Anxiety

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social Anxiety Disorder also known as ‘Social Phobia’, is the feeling of extreme nervousness or anxiety whenever one is in a social gathering. It is a mental state created by the person himself in which he tends to become self-conscious and is worried that he does not do anything embarrassing.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Who is more prone to suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder?

Person of any age can suffer from Social Phobia. It is not important that it may be present more in males or in females.

For a child Social Anxiety  may be reading in front of the class, for an adult Social Anxiety may be a presentation, speech or it may even be just a lunch with some people that he is new to.

At some point in our life, everyone suffers from social anxiety; the main issue is that how we cope up with it at that time and what impact it leaves on us and our life.

What is the cause of Social Anxiety?

There can we various causes of social anxiety, out of which the main cause can be the bad past experiences of one’s life, there are some people who learn from their past experiences but some do have a bad effect which leaves a mark on their personality for a long time as a result they develop symptoms like stage fright in which if they are asked to speak in front of a few people they are not willing to do so, as they are worried of their failure and do not want to feel embarrassed again.

Other causes can be:

-Environmental factors
-Upbringing by the parents
-Introvert peer group
-Change of working environment
-Fear of failure
-Financial status of the family
-Environment at home

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Sadness is like a drug that takes you away from reality.”

What are the signs and symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder?

The signs that show the social anxiety or social phobia are:

-Fast heartbeat, it is the most peculiar symptom of a person suffering from social phobia
-Trembling and shaking
-Upset stomach
-Cold, clammy hands
-Confusion, leading to under confidence
-Diarrhea which tends to reoccur before any meeting
-Muscle tension
-Shaky voice
-Insomnia due to tension of being in a social gathering
-Person prefers staying alone
-Person with social phobia finds it hard to make new friends
-Children hold their mother hands in family get together and do not interact with others

Sometimes the person is comfortable with the old friends but tends to be uncomfortable in front of new people as he thinks that he may leave an embarrassing impression on the person which makes him introvert, this is a sign of Social Phobia.

How to treat Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder can be treated either by your own self or by psychotherapy and homeopathy.

You can work on coming out from social anxiety by being more and more in social events, participating in them properly.

For some who find it difficult to find fluency while speaking, daily loud newspaper reading is very helpful.

Psychotherapy along with homeopathy is one of the most effective means of treating social anxiety disorder. There are many medicines in homeopathy which not only help in releasing of depression but also help in developing self confidence.

Aconitum Napellus– Helps in treating panic attacks.

Argentums Nitricum– Helps children who have exam fear or any interview fear.

Gelsemium– Helps in people who have fear of going in crowds.

You can know more about Social Anxiety Disorder here.


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