Keratosis Pilaris (Chicken Skin) Awareness and Management

Keratosis pilaris is a condition in which skin produces too much of a protein called keratin, which can block hair follicles leading to development of bumps.

Many patients suffer from this condition, it mostly occurs in both genders in adolescent age. This can be prevalent in children as well. It gives a sandpaper like appearance.

Keratosis Pilaris

Patients suffer daily and occasionally they are not aware they have Keratosis Pilaris.

There are so many people who think having keratosis pilaris is post acne marks, so they have but they are not aware of Keratosis pilaris.

Men and Women both genders suffer equally

Both genders are equally affected. Teenage boys and women from 15-35 years of age are usually affected. Children and other age groups of both genders can be affected.

Say No to Waxing

Waxing usually causes temporary bumps, allergic reaction, redness and itching but in individuals who are sensitive the condition of keratosis pilaris worsens, so they need to avoid waxing.

No shaving of Hair in wrong direction of Hair Growth

When women shave their hair in opposite direction of hair growth , it causes bumps and abrasion of epidermis which can worsen the condition of Keratosis Pilaris in affected individuals. Occasionally when the razors are not disposed after use they can be infected and when they abrade the keratosis pilaris bumps the infected razor can cause folliculitis. So if you want to shave you have to use clean razors and should shave in the same direction of the hair growth.

Opt for Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair reduction if done by a medical professional in adults it is completely safe. Laser can be a good option for people suffering from Keratosis Pilaris.


Applying coconut oil is beneficial in soothing the irritated skin and helping sand paper like appearance.

The Benefits of Coconut Oil:-

Coconut oil has abundant benefits some of which include:
-It’s 100% natural.It’s very affordable
-The oil is very mild hence can be used by people of all skin types
-The oil really works

Complications of Keratosis Pilaris

The patients suffering from Keratosis pilaris occasionally gets infected due to old unhygienic razors or when oil is mixed with dirt on the skin it can cause folliculitis.


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