Is Your Baby Suffering From Allergic Rhinitis?

This article focusses on allergic rhinitis, it’s causes, signs and symptoms and a few tips to prevent it.

• Allergic rhinitis is also known as Hay Fever.
• Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction and inflammation of the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to inhaled substances, like pollen. And these substances trigger the release of histamine in the body.
• The homeopathic system of medicines excellently helps in case of babies and children’s health problems.
• Homeopathic medicines help us for different ways like it boost up the immune system. The homeopathy believes in complete restoration of health both mental and physical ways and that too permanently in a very mild and gentle way.


• Pollen from trees, grass and weeds.
• Moulds.
• Animal dander.
• Dust.
• Tobacco.
• Smoking.
• Weather effects.

allergy symptoms


• Sneezing
• Stuffy nose
• Runny nose
• Itchy nose, throat, eyes, and ears
• Nosebleeds in some cases
• Ear infections
• Ear itching
• Snoring
• Breathing through the mouth
• Poor performance in school
• A line or crease across the bridge of the nose from swiping the nose


• History of the patient.
• Family history of the patient.
• Blood test for the allergens.


• Avoid cold food.
• The packed food should be avoided.
• Cooked the food properly because it kills the allergens.
• Intake of Vitamin C it helps to raise immunity.
• Avoid things which aggravates your condition like dust, pollen & moulds.

Homeopathic Medicines:

Homeopathic medicines can help in treating the case of allergic rhinitis. There is so many homeopathic medicines like Ars – Alb, Sabadilla, Gelsemium, Allium – Cepa. But the choice of medicine depends upon the proper case study of the patient.

baby suffering from allergic rhinitis

For more information, you can visit eMedicine and

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