
Another term for high blood pressure is hypertension and it is also known as “Silent Killer”. High blood pressure is a condition when blood pressure increases and exerts pressure against arteries walls.

Normal blood pressure is at or slightly below 120/80, if blood pressure remains between 120/80 -138/88 is called pre-hypertension and the blood pressure at or above 140/90 is considered as high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure

 What causes high blood pressure?

There are various factors that causes blood pressure to rise.

– High intake of salt.

– Obese person.

– Kidney problems.

– If the person has genetic predisposition to high blood pressure.

– Sudden withdrawal of some medications.

– If the person consumes tobacco and alcohol he is prone to high blood pressure.

– Mental stress.

– Chronic health conditions may cause high blood pressure.

-If the arteries loose their elasticity.

What are the effects of uncontrolled high blood pressure?

It is necessary to take medications of high blood pressure as soon as it is diagnosed, otherwise long standing condition of high blood pressure causes many serious complications.

Heart diseases: work load increases on heart increases. Heart muscles also enlarges as heart has to push against the high blood pressure. Coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmia and heart failure can also occur.

Kidney diseases: high blood pressure affects the filteration system of kidneys that results in spilling out of protein in urine. High blood pressure also damages kidney and result in kidney failure.

Aneurysm: High blood pressure results in dilation and stretching of blood vessels and hence causes occurrence of aneurysm. If the aneurysm burst it leads to various life threatening conditions.

Hardening of arteries: Condition when arteries become hard is called atherosclerosis. High blood in arteries and arterioles damages the inner walls thereby causing hardened arteries.

Damage to eye: Eye has sensitive tissue that is vulnerable to damage from high blood pressure.

Stroke: Stroke is more likely to occur because of hardening of arteries and dilation of blood vessels as a result of high blood pressure.

What you can do to prevent hypertension?

• A healthy diet is essential in preventing high blood pressure. The diet should that include a good amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients is considered healthy .

• Limit your intake of salt in diet. Low salt diet helps in preventing hypertension.

• Avoid consuming too much oily food as it is rich in fat contents that causes cholesterol to accumulate in blood vessels.

• Avoid using tobacco.

• Limit the consumption of alcohol.

• Exercising regularly has many health benefits and is equally helpful in preventing high blood pressure.

Homeopathy is very helpful in treatment and control of hypertension; it also acts well in prevention of high blood pressure. Homeopathic remedies have been proven to have a great effect in controlling the high blood pressure.

You start your homeopathic treatment by taking an appointment right now!


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