How we can naturally cure the heel spur

The term heel spur denotes a hook like bony growth on the inferior side of the heel bone or calcaneus. It is related to the inflammation of plantar fascia , a soft tissue structure that joint heel bone to the toe. This is called plantar fasciitis. It is frequently seen in sports person, obese people and pregnant women. Other medical disease such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disorder and poor blood circulation which leads to the formation of spur on the heel bone. Read this article till the end to learn how we can naturally cure the heel spur.

It is more commonly occur in people who are above 40 years old. The most common symptoms are stabbing heel pain, inflammation of the heel, tenderness and immobility. There is sharp heel pain when you first start to walk in the morning.

Home remedy to cure heel spur:

1) Apple cider vinegar – It is an effective home remedy .Dip a cotton towel or cotton bandage in apple cider vinegar. Place it on your heel .Make a mixture of apple cider vinegar, molasses, and baking soda and rub it on heel spur.

2)The best way to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with bony growth is to immerse the feet in a warm bath of Epsom salts.

3)Applying ice to the heel and massaging the area with coconut oil are the good remedy.

4) Cabbage leaves help to get rid of the heel spur pain. Place fresh green cabbage leaves over the heel and leaves it on for some time.

5) The pain and inflammation can be eased by soaking your feet in chlorinated water.

6) The inflammation can be relieved by placing a flaxseed heat pack over the affected area. Apply heat to the heels for 20 minutes with a heat pack.

7) Mustard oil is very useful in the pain and discomfort .Mustard oil is extremely warm in nature and it gives warmth to the heels.

8) Do some exercises of calf stretch and plantar fascia stretch. It strengthens and lengthens the plantar fascia which is very helpful for heel spur.

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