How Tulsi is Beneficial for Mouth Ulcers

In this article, find out the endless ways tulsi is beneficial for gastric ulcers/ mouth ulcers.

tulsi is beneficial

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, has health-promoting properties. It is considered as a tonic for better health and fitness. Tulsi is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, phytonutrients and essential oils, which makes it an excellent anti-oxidant and helps to protect the body from damages caused by free radicals.



Endless health benefits including fighting high glucose levels, improving heart health, improving cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and treating respiratory problems. A decoction made from the tulsi leaves, with honey and ginger is an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough and cold. And, tulsi leaves can help you naturally fight ulcers.

Tulsi leaves are very effective against mouth ulcers or gastric ulcers. Some common risk factors of ulcers include stress, eating acidic and spicy foods, recurring injury to the inside of your mouth (also known as the inner buccal epithelium), poor oral hygiene or aggressive cleaning of the teeth and gums.

The anti-bacterial properties in Tulsi make it an effective oral disinfectant that can destroy up to 99% of the bacteria and germs in the mouth and relieve the symptoms of an ulcer. Tulsi leaves also prevent bad breath, plaque and dental cavities.


Chomp a couple of leaves of tulsi for around 5-6 minutes and drink water over it and do at least 3 times in a day. It will help you get rid of it and prevent them from recurring. tulsi leaves lower the acidic environment inside the mouth and help in restoring the salivary pH, tulsi leaves reduces the damage caused by extra acids, thereby curing ulcers naturally.


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