How To Stop Nose Bleeding ?

As nose is the protruding part of the face so on trauma to face nose is more vulnerable to nasal injury and bleeding. Besides trauma there are many other conditions that cause nose bleed. Read this article till the end to know how to stop nose bleeding.

What are the causes of nose bleed?

• Frequent and forceful nose blow.
• Nose picking.
• Warm climate with low humidity.
• Excess of alcohol intake.
• Allergies.
• Common cold or sinusitis or allergic rhinitis.
• Over-use of blood thinning medicines.
• High blood pressure.
• High altitude.

What can you do to stop nose bleeding?


1. Use a tissue: make the patient to sit calmly. Hold the tissue to nose in order to stop bleeding. Avoid blowing the nose as it will make the symptom worse.


2. Sit down for few minutes: 
Sit in a chair and bend slightly forward.  Avoid leaning backwards as there is a danger of swallowing of blood.

3. Pinch the nose:

nose bleedFront part of nose is soft and more rich in blood supply and therefore it mostly bleeds from front part. Sit, lean forward and pinch front soft part of nose with a clean cloth or tissue. Apply pressure for 10 minutes. This will help  in blood clotting.


5. Cold compress: Check the bleeding after 10 minutes, if the bleeding does not stop then apply cold compress. Use an ice wrapped in a cotton cloth for cold compress.

When to call a doctor?

Not all nose bleeding cases are severe. But nose bleeding have to be taken seriously as there may be an underlying cause for it that has to be taken care of. Call the doctor if,

  • If the bleeding do not stops for  more than 20 minutes.
  • If the cause of bleeding is presence of any foreign material in nose.
  • In case of head injury.
  • If nose bleeds after taking any medicine.


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