How to stay cool on a hot sunny day

It’s scorching hot outside these days. Here are some useful tips to stay cool and fit during summers:

• Drink plenty of water and other liquids to stay hydrated.

• Stay in shades as much as possible.

• Stay quiet and still. Avoid doing running, jogging etc. in morning rather do them in evening when the air becomes cool.

• Have a cold shower or bath. Or use a towel dipped in cold water and apply it on your face and neck.


• Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes from exposure to direct sunlight.

• Use a good quality sunscreen lotion and wear loose, cotton, light colour full sleeves clothes to prevent sun damage.

• Keep your wrist under running cold water to make you cool.

• Wet your hairs every hour as cool heat will maintain body temperature by cooling it down.

• Get a bag of ice.

• Every half an hour, you can take a cold wet napkin and put in on your head for about 5 minutes.

• Chew on ice cubes or enjoy ice creams on a hot day.

• Open the windows to keep your home breath with fresh air in the morning.

• Try out swimming as it’s good for fitness and keeps your body cool.

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