How to prevent gout

Are you aware of increased level of uric acid in your body…Read this article till the end to learn more about gout and the ways to prevent gout.

If the uric acid level increases in the blood stream, it start to crystalline into needle shaped crystals in the connective tissue of the joints and cause an unbearable arthritis pain which is known as gout. Middle aged men are prone to develop gout than women. It mostly affects one joint, the big toe but it may also occur in the heel, ankle, knee and thumb.

Reducing the consumption of high purine foods is important in minimizing future attacks of gout. These include organ meat like liver ,brain , processed meat such as sausages , salami and certain fish like herring , sardines , mackerel .Cut back on fortified wine , red wine, beer and shellfish.

Purines are the natural substances found in the body and many foods when these purines break down result in uric acid formation. So people with gout problem should avoid foods containing purines.

Symptoms of Gout

• Severe pain in the joints especially in the ankles, hands, wrists, knees, feet (big toe).
• Pain gradually goes away.
• Redness and inflammation
• Fever
• Red /purplish skin
• Stiffness (less flexibility)
• Nodules formation especially in the elbow, hands, fingers.
• Sometime itchy and peeling of the skin later on.

Foods that can prevent Gout

1)Pineapple – It contain bromelain, an enzyme that has anti inflammatory properties .So supplementing pineapple to the diet may relieve gout pain.

2)Ginger – The compounds found in ginger are helpful in reducing inflammation caused by uric acid .Ginger is beneficial as an anti – inflammatory.

3)Turmeric – It is an effective anti – inflammatory and people who having gout problems should include turmeric in their diet.

4)Cherry juice – Eating lot of fruits especially cherries in gout problems can be beneficial. Cherries lower the uric acid levels and reduce the chances of developing gout. It is having anti –inflammatory properties which play vital role in controlling gout attacks. The occurrence of attacks reduces from 3-4 years to once a year.

5)Banana – They are found to be low in sugar and high in potassium and are alkaline in nature. It is one of the best foods for preventing gout. The high content of potassium help to fight the symptoms of gout .It help to break down the crystals formed by uric acid and rapidly excretes them out of the body.

6)Low – fat dairy products – Use of low –fat dairy products such as low fat yogurt and milk reduced the chances of developing gout problems by 50% in men.

7)Increase the intake of water – Water contains sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins. It has been found very useful for kidneys and also help to remove excessive amount of uric acid from the body. So drink plenty of water.

8)Coffee – Coffee may lower the serum uric acid levels.

10)Take foods which is enrich in carbohydrates such as whole grains, brown rice, oats .

9)Vitamin C – Take vitamin C (500 mg/day) like orange .lemon, kiwi to lower the uric acid levels.

Foods which are high in purines leads to gout – 

• meat particularly kidney, liver, turkey.
• Seafood particularly herring, sardines, mussels and scallops.
• Certain types of vegetables such as asparagus, beans, spinach.
• Foods or supplements that contain yeast extract such as marmite and quorn.
• Whole grains such as wheat bread and cereals have high purine content. Eat refined grain bread and white rice.
• Beer contains high purine content (brewer’s yeast).

Points to remember

• Limit or avoid alcohol.
• Limit or avoid food sweetened with high fructose.
• Less intake of meat, poultry and fish.
• Choose complex carbohydrate.
• Choose low fat or fat –free dairy products.
• Drink plenty of water.
• Take low fat dairy products.
• Maintain healthy weight.
• Eat potassium rich foods like avocado, dried peaches, bananas, orange juice, and baked potato.
• Intake of Vitamin C in your diet.
• If you have a family histories of gout then consult doctor.
• Check your uric acid, RA, CBC within 3 -6 months if you are suffering from gout.


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