How to prevent Acidity

The human stomach is filled with a naturally produced acidic liquid that activates digestive enzymes that will help to break down the consumed foods. Excess stomach acid can cause severe problems. The most common symptom with excess stomach acid is heartburn and gas formation. Excess acid leaks into the esophagus and cause burning sensation.

Our stomach produces acid to digest the food that we eat. This is a regular and natural process. When we eat cells within the lining of the stomach pump acid to liquefy the foods. Problems occur when these cells produce large amount of acid more than our stomach needs. It causes stomach acidity.

Causes of Acidity –

• Eating fried and spicy food on the regular basis.
• Being an empty stomach for a long time.
• Gastro duodenal ulcer.
• Drinking too much alcohol.
• Excessive smoking.
• Hyper secretion of HCL (hydrochloric acid).
• Problem in the functioning of digestive system.
• Eating food rich in fats like chocolates, ice cream.
• Obesity
• Excessive exposure to sun and heat.
• Ageing
• Negative emotions
• Weakness of the valves.
• Meals not in time.

Symptoms of Acidity

• Chest pain
• Burning sensation in the stomach.
• Belching.
• Prolonged heartburn.
• Nausea
• Feeling hungry frequently.
• Vomiting
• Bitter taste in mouth.
• Loss of appetite
• Constant pain in the upper abdomen.
• Inflammation in chest.
• Respiratory problems.
• Coughing
• Gastro – esophageal reflux.
• Pain during muscular contractions.
• Voice change and formation of ulcer in esophagus
• Pain in the ears.

Foods to prevent acidity
1)Fruits – Banana contain fiber, Vitamin B6, potassium. Apples are a great source of fiber. It helps to prevent acidity .Melon and mangos are the low acidic fruits.

2) Meat – Skinless chicken is a great low acid diet and an excellent source of proteins. Salmon contain omega -3 essential fatty acids which help the heart, joints and eyes.

3) Cereals – Oat meals – It is an excellent breakfast for people to have low acid diet .It is an excellent source of filling fiber and will help to stabilize blood glucose level.

4) Brown rice – It is one of the healthy diet having low acid diet. It’s an excellent source of fiber which helps to regulate the intestine, healthy heart.

5) Nuts – Nuts like cashews, almonds, pecans contain mono unsaturated fats and omega 3 which is a high dietary fiber content. Almonds contain vitamin E , a healthy antioxidant ,magnesium, manganese.

6) Vegetables – Vegetables like cabbage, beans and peas are healthy and do not cause acidity.

7) Low fat cheese – Take low –fat diary items like low –fat cheese or milk. Heavy food prone to acidity.

8) Whole grains – Avoid refined carbs like white rice and maida. Take whole grains like wheat and brown rice to ward off the acidity.

9) Egg white, fish, chicken – Lean white meats and egg white are perfect for acidity prone individuals.

Food should be avoided during acidity

• Fried foods – It is especially fried with hydrogenated oils containing trans – fatty acids.
• Meat and dairy – It is especially fatty meat from factory farms, processed meats and diary pasteurized milk.
• Processed baked goods – It include most packaged breads, pastries, cakes and cookies. They contain refined sugar and bad fats as well as refined bleached white flour.
• Coffee – It create acidic responses from the lower esophagus sphincter and the ileocecal valve (ICV) which is the sphincter between the large and small intestines.
• Artificial sweeteners
• Non-soluble fiber foods.
• Avoid eating very large meals – Over eating to make it full stomach produced more acid
• Avoid tomatoes, onion, sour cream, fried foods, and wine.
• High acid fruits – Oranges, Lemons, Grape fruit, Cranberries.
• High fat meat – Marbled beef, Fried Chicken, Bacon.
• Avoid spicy foods in the diet.


• Avoid foods that are rich in oils and fats. These foods are difficult to digest, so they may make the stomach release more acids.
• The diet should contain a proper blend of all the tastes. Spicy food must be just one dish rather than the whole meal.
• Fibers are necessary in the diet as they help in the digestion.
• Red meats must be eaten only occasionally, if at all.
• Too much addiction to strong foods such as tea and coffee may cause hyperacidity. This is also true for other addictions such as smoking and alcohol.
• Do not consume sour foods as they already have acidic contents. Acidic foods to avoid are pickles, curds, tamarinds, vinegar, etc.
• Avoid or limit alcohol.
• Maintain upright position during and at least 45 minutes after eating.
• Try elevating the head of bed 6 – 8 inches when lying down.


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