How To Get Rid Of Piles With The Help Of Homeopathy?

Is pain around anus is creating a problem? You must be suffering from piles if pain is excruciating and remain for long after stool with blood in stool. For patient having piles passing stool is a nightmare because of excruciating pain.

What are piles?

Piles are also called hemorrhoids. Piles are inflamed blood vessels in and around anus. When pressure within the veins increases they become swollen.


Types Of Piles :

Internal piles: Internal piles are painless but they cause continuous pressure and discomfort in the anus. There is itching and mild skin irritation. The discomfort results in urge to pass stool after having a bowel movement.

External piles: external piles are found beneath the skin of anus. External piles are painful with blood in the stool. Lump is seen near or around the anus. External piles cause itching around the anus.

Normally veins are located in the lowest part of rectum and anus. When there is increase in the abdominal pressure the veins becomes swollen and engorged with blood and their wall become thin, stretched and irritated while passing stool.

Various factors that are responsible for piles formation are:

• Constipation.
• Low fiber diet.
• Acute and chronic diarrhea.
• Obesity.
• Prolong sitting job.
• Pregnancy.
• Family history.

What can I do at home to get relief?

Some modifications in lifestyle are helpful in preventing piles.

• Eat fresh fruits and vegetable.
• Avoid fat, refined and processed food.
• Warm sitz bath: fill the tub with warm water up to few inches. Sit in it for 15-20 minutes. It will help in decreasing inflammation of veins. Repeat it 2-3 times a day. Dry off anal area after sitz bath.
• Avoid prolonged sitting.
• Do not hold the urge for stool.
• Add plenty of pulses and wholegrain in diet.
• Avoid alcohol.
• Increase intake of water.
• Exercise regularly as it will maintain weight, enhance muscle tone.

How homeopathy can help?

Homeopathic treatment and lifestyle changes both give a great relief to the patient suffering from piles. Homeopathic remedies remove the tendency, recurrence of piles and eliminate the chances of surgery. Dr.Thind have treated many cases of hemorrhoids with good results, patients are relieved significantly with homeopathic medicines.

Leading homeopathic remedies that are given to patients in piles are nux vomica, collinsonia, aloe, hamemalis, millefolium, cacarea flour. In piles with constipation nux is given, in bleeding piles hamemalis and millefolium is given, for painful piles aesculus and aloe is given.


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