How to Deal with Obesity in Children with Homoeopathy and Lifestyle?

obesity in children

It is common nowadays that child generally become overweight or obese because of poor eating habits. Other factors also contribute to a child’s weight status.

Causes of childhood obesity

Diet– High-calorie foods, such as fast foods, baked goods, and snacks, can cause your child to gain weight. Candy, desserts, and sugary drinks, including fruit juices, are usually the culprits in obesity in many children.

Lack of exercise- A sedentary lifestyle, such as watching television for too long on the couch or playing video games, also contributes to gaining weight.

Family factors- Born in an environment where high-calorie foods are always available and physical activity isn’t encouraged can lead to obesity.

Psychological factors- Stress can increase a child’s risk of obesity. Some children overeat to deal with emotions, such as loneliness, sadness or to fight boredom.

[su_box title=”Measures to be considered for the prevention of obesity during childhood and teens include:” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#7c0c0b” radius=”2″]

Dietary measures

• Encourage your child to eat slowly and avoid overeating.
• Serve and encourage the consumption of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables just like eating a rainbow.
• Having breakfast regularly contributes to weight loss, so a healthy first meal of the day is a must.
• Replacing unhealthy fats with healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, nuts, fatty fish, soy, tofu, flaxseed, Brussels sprouts, kale, and spinach.

Lifestyle measures

• Encourage physical activity or outdoor sports. Children should have 1 hour of moderate physical activity more than 1 hour of activity may promote weight loss and provide weight maintenance.
• Serve at least 3-4 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
• The majority of children like routine in eating habits. If they know they will only get food at fixed times, they will be more likely to eat what they get when they get it, so discipline in eating habits will help to reduce their weight.
• Encourage them to drink water or natural drinks like coconut water, lemon water rather than beverages with added sugar such as soft drinks, sports drinks, and fruit juice drinks.

Random measures

• Gradual changes in family eating habits and activity levels rather than focusing on your child’s weight.
• Be a role model to them and set an example so that a child is more likely to do the same.
• Reduce “screen” time in front of the television, computer, and mobiles to less than 1 to 2 hours daily.
• Don’t use food as a reward or withhold food as a punishment for your child.

Homeopathy Treatment

Certain homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in reducing weight as they help to burn calories faster by speeding up the metabolic rate of the body:

• Aethusa Cynapium
• Calcarea phosphoricum
• Calcarea Carbonicum
• Lycopodium
• Phytolacca berry


For more information, you can visit MayoClinic and HomeoBook.

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